Chapter 23~ Day after...

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Austin 'POV':

After Taylor tried making out with me, I quickly pushed her off making her fall to the ground and called the police. I then yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK TAYLOR? I HAVE GIRLFRIEND FOR GOODNESS SAKE." She just sat there and cried, I rolled my eyes. I was about to say something else but I heard Alex, Robert, and Zach yelling my name. Once they to the corner and saw Taylor, they look even pissed. I say, "look who-" Before I could finish, Zach pushed me to the wall. I say, "woah what's going on." Alex rolled his eyes and say, "Are you stupid Austin? Jessica fucken left crying." I started to worry and about say something, but Robert says, "And I can't believe you would fucken cheat on her with the girl who ruin her apartment."

I pushed Zach off of me and say, "wait she saw Taylor making out with me?" Zach rolled his eyes this time and say, "Don't you mean with you." I desperately say, "I swear that I would never do that. I went to get ice from the apartment and then when I walk out Taylor pushed me to the wall a started kissing me." Robert says, "How are we supposed to believe you?" I rolled my eyes and say, "We've been best friends." I looked at taylor and said "Taylor stop crying and say the truth because you just made lost the one girl I love." She sob and said "It's true. I was kissing Austin thinking he would kissed back to see if he still loves me." I rolled my eyes, "I got over you but you just don't get it." We heard people cheering meaning it's new years day already. I looked up and saw Elizabeth, Alyssa, and Sarah walking down the hall with tears. They walked straight to Taylor.

Taylor says, "Hey guys." Instead of a response we heard a slap, we all gasp and saw it was Sarah who slapped her. Sarah says, "Thanks to you, we just lost the bestest friend we had. and tbh we never liked you we just stayed cuz we felt sorry so I hope you have fun in jail" and with that she hugged Alex crying her eyes out. Moments later Officer Jake and Luke came. They say, "Thanks guys and we'll put her straight to jail right away." We nodded and thank them.

I check my phone and saw it was already 12:30 and I sighed and slid down the wall. I felt water down my face, I wiped them away and noticed they were tears. I just put my head down and cry silently. I felt someone else next me and hugged me. The person says, "It's alright Austin we can get her back." I notice it was Ac voice and I looked up and he held his hand out to help me out. I say, "Let's get some sleep and fix this tomorrow morning."


Jessica 'POV':

I woke up then next morning in my bed at my Aunt's house. I sighed and went to the restroom. I saw my make up ruin and my eyes are red and puffy. I turn on the shower and stripped off my clothes and enter the shower. I took a longer shower and then turn off the water. I wrapped a towel around my body and walk out of the shower and restroom and into my room.

I changed into my undergarments and then my sweats. I then slipped my sweater and grabbed my phone and dress off the floor. I walk down the stairs and see my Aunt and Uncle awake. I say "Happy New Year." They slightly smiled and say, "Are you okay." I just nodded and say, "am just gonna go to my apartment now." My aunt say, "sweetie we can talk about it." I just say, "Not now." They nodded. I grabbed my keys from the counter and say, "Love you guys." I walk out of there house into the car.

Once I got to my apartment, I lock the door, and threw my dress on the couch. I left my doughnuts and starbucks on the table and laid on the couch. I turn on my phone and saw missed calls and text messages from Austin, Zach, Robert, Alex, Elizabeth, Alyssa, and Sarah. I roll my eyes and turn it off. I sigh and whisper, "Was I just some charity case?" I got up and decided to eat my doughnuts and drink my Starbucks while watching tv. When I finish my meal, I check the time and it was 1 in the afternoon. I heard the door knock and a voice that was Austin and the gang. I hear them said, "Jess we know you are here! There car is here and we could hear the TV. Please let us in for I can explain." I didn't answer or walk towards the door.

This continued but slowly they would leave cause their family would call, and Austin ended up being the only person there. Around 8 Alex comes back and tells Austin, "Come on dude it's nearly 8 at night, you haven't eaten anything yet or even sleep lets go home. We can check tomorrow." He was about to reply, but I hear sigh. He knocked on the door one last time and say, "Happy 3 month anniversary babe. Don't worry Jess, everything will be alright, we'll get back together soon even though we didn't actually broke up but it feels like it. I love you. See you soon."

While they were doing that I would be eating, watching TV, listening to music or practice my soccer skills. I sighed and climb up to my bed. I looked all the pictures and memories we made since I met them, I wanted to rip down, but I just couldn't. I turn my back against the wall and slowly fall to sleep.

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