Chapter 11~At School As A Couple...

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Jessica 'POV': 

"Singing In The Shower, La De La Da-" 

I hit my alarm clock and got off my bed. I stretch and saw it was 6 and it was the first day of Austin and I being a couple at school. The guys find out we are going out since they got to our floor when Austin and I had our mini make-out sescion which was so embrassing. 

I went to my restroom and turn off the shower. I stripped off my clothes and enter the shower. After my normal shower rountine, I turn off the water and wrapped a towel around my body. I exit the shower, dry off my body, I slipped on my undergarments, and then slipped on my robe. I walked to my walkin closet and then took 5 minutes to look for my outfit once I found it I went back to my restroom and blow dry my hair. Once my hair was dry, I do my make-up which was really light, while my curler heats up. When my make-up was finish, I curled my hair and once my hair was curled I put all in one side. I then went back to my closet and slipped of the robe and put on my outfit. Once my outfit was on I slipped on my socks and converse. I walked out of my restroom and into my room. I check the time and I had 20 minutes before Austin knocks on my door. I grabbed my bag and walk out of my room and into the kitchen. I hanged my bag on a chair and then I grabbed a bowl and poor ceral and milk. I hopped on the counter and ate my ceral in 15 minutes. I put the bowl in the sink and quickly ran to the restroom. I brushed my teeth quickly, I use mouthwash and then spit it out. I put a gum in my mouth and walk out of the restroom and back to the living room. I heard the door knock and I grabbed my bag and phone and open the door seeing Austin and Alex. I smiled and said "Hey guys." I walk out of my apartment and lock the door. Austin grabs my hand and interwines them. I smiled and then asked "What happen to Robert and Zack?" Alex then says "Robert's week to drive so Zack decided to go with him to start the car, Austin wanted to wait for you, and I was still getting ready. I laughed and said "well let's get to school." 

We just arrived at the parking lot and everyone doesn't really mind that I get rides from The Foolish 4. But today is different. Austin and I are a couple now and Taylor is gonna kill me. Am gonna get death threaths from every girl. Austin noticed my nervousness and said "Jess we don't have to show the school anything yet." I looked at him and said "Really?" He nodded and said "If you're not ready to show the school then we won't" I looked out the window and people are staring to look at the car. I sigh and said "Am ready." He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips. We all got out of the car at the same time and walked to our lockers as a group. Robert and Zack in the front, Austin and I in the middle holding hands, and Alex to my right side. I notice the guys are really protective for me at school especially from Taylor or her friends. But tbh her friends don't hate me. Everyone in the halls we whispering and pointing at us since Austin and I are holding hands. I sighed and looked down as we walk to our lockers. Once we got there I got my books I need to 1st -3rd. I tooked my time because am still freaking out but not really showing. I felt someone arms around my waist, I turn around and saw Austin. He smiled and whispered "I know your not okay." I blushed and looked down. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. He then said "Just relax babe, everything is going to be okay and btw you look amazing." I laughed and kissed his cheek. He smiled and hugged me tightly. Robert then says "Alright guys, lets get to class before Miss Nerdy gets late." I glared at him and said "Shut up Roberta, at least I can beat you at COD so calm down" He looked at me shocked and I smirked at me. The boys laughed and I grabbed Austin hand with my left and my books on my right arm and we both walked away from Rob, while Alex and Zach laughed at him and slowly walked behind us. 

Right now, it was lunch time and we were all sitting at our usual table which was my table that I usually sit at. I was leaning my head on Austin's shoulder, while eating my fries. We were talking about what should we do this weekend, until we heard and scream. We all turn around and see Taylor speed walkng towards our table. She then yelled at us saying, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON NOW?" I was about to say something but Austin then gets up and says  "Why do you care Taylor? We broke up like 2 months ago because of you. You cheated on me and I've moved on unlike you who needs to." The whole cafeteria said 'oooo.' Robert, Zack, and Alex were holding their laughther and Taylor friends slowly back away to go with the guys. Taylor smirks and says, "Just watch your back Jessica. I always get what I want, so watch out." She flips her hair and walks away saying "Let's go girls." They all sigh and said bye to the guys. Everyone went back to their business and Robert, Zack, and ALex starts laughing. Alex then says "I can't believe you actually told her off." Austin just smirks and says, "Well someone needed to." I just looked down at my fingers. I wasn't scared or upset, just confused a bit. Like I know Austin likes me and all but i don't want to me a charity case. I felt Austin grabbed my hand and he rubs his thumb, I looked up and he says "You okay?" I just nodded. He just rolled his eyes and hugs me. 

It was the end of the day and we all walked to Robert's car. On the way to the apartments Zach says, "Hey Jess, since soccer is over why don't you try out for the soccer team at our school?" I laughed and says "Why would I do that?" Alex then says "a. your really good, b. you'll be team captain, and c. your really good." I sigh and say, "I would, but I rather not have the whole school know about me playing soccer." Austin then says "Babe you'll make it like no time." I rolled my eyes and say "Maybe I'll think about it."  They all cheered and Robert says, "Well you only got tonight since tryouts are this week and they start tomorow." I groaned and said "Ill think about it." After saying that we just pulled up to the apartments, we al go to the car and walk to the Elevators and pushed the button to our floor. When we got to the floor, we walk to our doors. I hugged Robert, Zack and Alex good bye and hugged and gave Austin a kissed on the cheek and said bye to to them. I enter my apartment and closed the door. I sighed and changed into some sweats and a sweatshirt. I tooked off all my make-up and took off my contacts and put on my glasses. I put my hair in a pony tail and went to the kitchen and started my homework.

By the time, I was done it was 7 at night. I ordered some chinese take out which will be here in 30 minutes. I went to the closest that was in the living room and saw my soccer ball. I sighed and say "Maybe I wil try out." I saw my little goalie net and smirked. I grabbed it out of the closet with the ball and set up the goalie by my room door. I then grabbed some cones and set them up. I moved the tv into somewhere it won't break. I dribbled the ball for awhile and then kick it into the goalie awhile. I then decided to make a obstacle course. Once it was ready the door bell rang, I ran to the door and saw it was my order take out, and it was Sarah who delievered it. I smile and said "hey." She smiled and said "Oh hey Jessica, I didn't know you live here." I laughed and said "Now you do." She nodded and said "The total is $10.50" I gave her a S20 and say "Keep the change." She looked at me shocked and says "This is a 9 dollar tip." I smirked and said "Your welcome." She nodded and walked away. I closed the door and ate my take out which only took about 45 minutes. I then clean up the kitchen which only took 10 more minutes. I then saw it was 9. I laughed and said "only 15 minutes" I kick my ball around the obstacle. I then decided to dribble it more. I also deicided to do some soccer tricks. I then kick it around the cones to practice control. I then kick it to the goalie to practice aim. After awhile I decided to take a water break and sit on the couch. I then check the time and it was 10:30 already. I was shocked, I turn off the lights in the livining room and ran into my room into the bed and layed there. After counting 5 sheeps, I fell into my slumber. 

Author Note: Hey guys! Here's your update (: Lol I hope you guys like it. Also I made a tralier for this story so I hope you guys like it :D Don't forget to Comment/Vote (:

~Paris Perez <3       

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