Not in Character, Part 2 | Pedro Pascal x Reader

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Summary: Now that you have to kiss Pedro on screen, your feelings for him feel extra exposed. Could he possibly feel the same way? 

Warnings: Kissing. Nothin' 'spicy' tho...

A/N: (Y/F/N) is (your friend's name)

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Once Taika, Bryce, Dave, and Jon called a wrap, you were off to the makeup trailer where your handy makeup artist and now good friend, (Y/F/N), wiped off all the days worth of cosmetics. With a little help, you got out of your costume and then you undid your 'starwarsy' hair-do. Once everything was settled, you said goodnight to (Y/F/N) and went back to your trailer. Pedro's was three down from yours. Yours was squished between Gina Carano, another good friend, and the 'guest star' trailer. You whipped out a microwavable meal and just sat down to watch Netflix after finishing eating when there was a light knock at your door.

You answered it.


"Sorry, I should've texted beforehand-"

You shook your head. "No, it's fine. Um, come in?"

Pedro followed you into the 'depths' of your trailer. His eyes fell over every little detail, every difference between his and yours. Even since filming, you two hadn't even really been inside each other's trailers. You still hung out, quite frequently you might add, but Pedro always had these brilliant ideas and places to be and dragged you there with him. As much as you hated being spontaneous and risky like Pedro, he gave you the courage to do just that. You think you've done more in seven months than you have in your entire life!

"You make me want to clean my trailer up."

"Well, don't invite me over if it's a train wreck. I might complusively start tidying it up." You teased.

"Maybe I'll invite you over just so you can clean." Pedro smirked.

"Maybe I'll gently decline." You plopped onto the couch. "I'm not picking up your underwear anytime soon."

Pedro laughed a genuine laugh and sat down right beside you. His dorky glasses weren't on, so his natural, jaw dropping attractiveness was making your insides do summersaults. Especially now that...

That you had to...

It's in character, relax.

"I um," Pedro rubbed his hands together. "I...I know we both were kinda shocked by the news."


"Are you ok with it?" There was a tint of hope in Pedro's voice.

"Of course," You lied. Half lied. No one could say no to kissing Pedro - even if it was as Din - but there was pressure. Cameras. People who had a say on how you kissed someone! You were really not 'ok' with it at all. But that didn't mean you didn't want it. That would've been a worse lie. "I'm just confused as to how this is gonna work. I know we've filmed only so much of our characters so there's a gap between point A and B in their arc but with Din's Mandalorian code..."

"I know, I wondered that too."

"The Widow tried to take the helmet off and he didn't let her." You added.

"True. But for this I think the writers got a bit creative, it makes sense." Pedro pulled a lightweight packet of paper out and handed it to you.

It was the script. The script. You started to scan everything over. The scene title literally said: The Kiss. Your whole body went numb just rereading those two words over and over and over. Pedro was absolutely chill. He just waited patiently for you to finish reading the plan. You forced your eyes farther down the page. Wow, you flipped the page, they really pulled this out of nowhere. But it works!

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