Unbreakable Vow | the Mandalorian x Reader

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Summary: You work with Mando, helping to protect the child, and now you have to escape Nevarro and the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Can you make it unscathed?

Warnings: Some swearing? If you squint.

A/N: I looove the idea of being a Sniper and helping Mando, I'm even writing a Mandalorian Fanfiction with this sort of plot. If you're interested in reading that, comment! Also I know the gif above is from Prospect and is not Din Djarin but the quote inspired this One shot so... And last thing, I do have some other One-Shots lined up but requests are welcome! I don't know how they work but just send me a message (however that's done) and if I see and write it I'll dedicate it to the requester. Ok, back to the One-Shot!

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"Put the gun down Mando..." Threatened one of the ten bounty hunters closing in on Din. The child was bundled in his arms, a blaster clutched in Din's hand as his visor stared down the crowd of enemies. "We might need the child alive but you are entirely...disposable."

"Really?" Din's modulated voice was calm, void of fear.

From your sniper's position on the rooftop, you could practically see the poker face hiding beneath the helmet. Along with the mussed helmet-hair Din got from living an entire day underneath his mask...and his patchy, rough facial hair. Maker, you could almost imagine the feel of his beard against your face while his lips captured mine-

Stop it, I don't have time for this! You seethed internally.

"You can't cover your entire body in Beskar...and we have ten good shots."

The gravel and dirt shuffled beneath the nine bounty hunters. They moved forward, encroaching on Din. Din and the child. Your finger found the trigger, aching to pull, just to see the light go out of each of the hunters' eyes. You'd grown so accustomed to Din's expressions showing through the virtually 'emotionless' visor. Now, ten feet above him, you could see the cunning, the confidence, the courage and strength. There was also amusement of sorts. Because you were the one thing no one counted on. The girl no one ever thought a Mandalorian could have.

"Ever heard the saying...one great shot is better than ten good ones?"


The shots flew. You hit three hunters in .5 seconds. The others whipped away from Din in enough time for him to dive behind a cargo cart, successfully shielding him and the baby. You grinned behind the trigger, sniping two more hunters down before the remaining five realized you were there...hidden among the rooftops killing them off. You managed one last shot, right between the eyes on a twi'lik. But the four that still stood were quick in taking cover. Your smile flipped. Greef Karga, the bounty guild leader was still alive and waiting for a chance to get Din.

"Come on come on..." You whispered.

Your patience was wearing thin. You needed to get these guys now so that you and Din could finally be free. Free of the chase, free of danger. The kid needed to be safe. Din needed to be safe. You wanted to end this.

Where are they all?

It was so quiet, deathly quiet. Nothing stirred. Nothing but the dirt in the gentle breeze. You clung to your blaster. Any second now, a head would raise and you'd shoot. Any second...unless-

Unless the hunters had managed to sneak out of the area to come back in another way. Maybe they were on the other side of a building, waiting to jump on Din and the child! Your heartbeat accelerated. You stifled the short breaths falling from your lips. You'd promised to stay still, laying low until each head had a blaster hole, courtesy of you. But Din could be in danger, and you also swore an oath to defend him on your life, because he was your life. You were one. Bound together in a Mandalorian Marriage. The oaths, in the Mandalorian tongue echoed in your ears. You pulled away from your scope to stand when you heard the scuff of a boot.

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