The Prince's Lady | Oberyn x Reader

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Summary: An Oberyn Martell x Reader One-Shot where the Reader is Oberyn's wife and is suffering scrutiny of the people of Dorne.

Warnings: Mentions of 'sleeping around' and also lots of conversation involving sex but nothing explicit. (Oberyn is pretty rough character y'all but I keep it clean here so...)

A/N: I've obviously NEVER seen GoT, nor will I ever...probably, but I love Pedro and I've seen clips of him as Oberyn and besides his terrible 'love life' and habits, I feel like his character has a lot of potential so I took a shot at writing him in this One-Shot. I also as a Christian believe in intimacy in marriage alone so I did inject that into this story, it kinda helped to balance out Oberyn's character and keep him more 'clean' for this One-Shot. Anyways, I'm rambling - Thanks for the three votes on this story guys! Check out my other works if you're interested! Ok, enjoy!

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You were furious! FURIOUS at everyone and everything! You hadn't been whisked off to this God forsaken country just to be misunderstood, mistreated and completely ignored! Although you were significantly safer here where the rape of any woman or child (or man though that was less likely) was outlawed and heavily punished, you'd only found one good thing about your new life. Everything else was hell! The women scorned you, mostly because Oberyn Martell, the prince of the land had changed. 'Overnight' as the talk had it. The girls said you gave him the best night of his life and he couldn't imagine anyone else giving him more so he'd 'closed' his doors to any other 'sexual favors'.

They were wrong.

Oberyn and you were engaged, your father's deal, not yours. But you didn't argue. You knew Oberyn was handsome, rich, and had a good enough personality, so you traveled to his kingdom and found out he was a complete and utter whore. Where you came from, a man and woman were made for each other, but only for each other. This went right over Oberyn's head. Fortunately, his unswaying belief in consent allowed you to strike a deal so he could 'have' you.

"Send away anyone else," You told him at our first meeting. "You believe rape is wrong, so do I. But I also believe in sex being made for couples, couples dedicated to one another, not a man and the woman who he managed to spot. If you want me, you must refuse anyone but me."

So the daily 'concubines' were turned down and the rumors spread, following you about the palace. Some were calling you a witch, others far fouler names.

You nearly fell over your long, flowy dress. In the back, the fabric of the straps met, disappearing through a gold plated tube that ended just at the small of your back, letting the fabric back out to form the rear of your dress' skirt. Oberyn glided across the floor like a swan, quick enough to catch you, but pulling you against him like his usual, aggressively sensual self. You would've caught your breath, but it was coming out in waves of fury anyway.

"What's wrong, love?" Oberyn murmured, running a hand through your hair.

"Everything," You grumbled against his tunic.

Oberyn emitted a throaty chuckle and cupped your neck and jaw in both hands, forcing your gaze upwards into his amused and caring eyes. "Surely not everything can be wrong. What's bothering you?"

"This place," You spat.

There was a hurt in Oberyn's eyes that stabbed right into your heart. You fumbled to correct yourself.

"It's not the whole country - I just's the people! They parade about acting self righteous because of this 'rape' law and then they go about having affairs and looking down on me because I've 'changed' you. They think I've put some dark magic over you, or that I've given you such pleasure that you can't even imagine anyone else being with you..."

Again, Oberyn laughed, louder this time. Your face felt hot and you tried to pull away from him in your embarrassment. Oberyn reached out for you in a last minute's attempt to hold you back, but you had already made your way across the room, staring at yourself in the tall mirror positioned in the corner of the room. The heat on your cheeks had spread to your eyes, encouraging tears. You bowed your head, wishing you was a witch like everyone believed so you could vanish-

Or teleport back to your home country.

"(Y/N)," Oberyn came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his chin on top of your head. "Don't let them have power over you."

"I'm not," You argued.

"You are." Oberyn sighed, burying his face in your hair. "You have to ask yourself if what they're saying is true. If it is, then maybe you should be concerned. If it isn't?" Oberyn's mouth leveled with your ear. "Don't let lies shake you."

You let out a shuddering breath. He was right, you hadn't put a spell on Oberyn, you'd made a deal with him and he'd been honorable and stuck to it. And now, when he could've ignored your plight and gone off to find some less troubled girl, he stayed with you, comforting you. Advising you. His words were the truth. Everyone else was full of gossip, rumors, and lies. Lies that shouldn't shake you...that wouldn't.

"Thank you."

Oberyn turned you around to face him. His gaze was no longer hurt. Instead, his eyes were adoring, running over my figure as if he saw you as something heavenly. You would've gone red...but you were enjoying his attention. He made you feel loved in a deeper way then you thought marriage would've felt. You knew that despite his past habits, Oberyn was yours, and therefore, you were his. Oberyn slid his hands down your arms and he took both your hands in his, slowly leading you backwards to our bed.

He sank onto the mattress, drawing you into his lap. Oberyn's arms wrapped around you again, only this time his hands traced circles on your exposed back. You fiddled with the long, low v-cut in Oberyn's tunic. He was always wearing a bunch of different chains and charms that hung at his chest. You picked one up, tracing it with your fingers.

"Like it?" Oberyn murmured in a husky voice.

"It's new."

"It's for you," Oberyn lifted the chain over his head and carefully draped it over yours. "This is my promise to you...that you...and only you...will be the Prince's Lady."

Then, Oberyn directed your attention back to him so he could pull your head down into a promising kiss.

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