Pigeon Hunting | Javier Peña x Reader

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Summary: You're a DEA Agent working with Javier Peña and Steve Murphy, on the lookout for a message being sent out by Escobar in the oddest of ways...

Warnings: Just some talk of 'sleeping together' but nothing explicit. Also mild language.

A/N: This is my first Javier Peña One-Shot! I hope you like it! It's based off a hilarious scene I saw on Youtube (linked above, some swearing in it, be warned!) because I am in NO WAY allowed to watch the show Narcos, I just read fanfiction and listen to the Theme Song and watch clips on youtube. Also, I want to make clear I don't affirm being intimate with someone outside of marriage but mentions of that sort of thing are only in my writing because 1) its a fallen world and it happens and 2) many of Pedro's characters are naughty like that and I'm not bleaching every character so...anyways, just wanted to make that clear! Ok, enjoy the One-Shot!

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Steve, Javier and you had been sent out to intercept a message. From what scrap of a source the DEA had, you knew Pablo was going to send out something important. But it wasn't the what that was so uncouth and mind boggling, it was the how. One would think a guy as loaded as Pablo could afford some kind of invisible drone, but he was more creative than you have given him credit for.

There was only one gun in the DEA office capable of shooting down a bird. A pigeon to be more specific and yes, Pablo Escobar, famous and dreaded Colombian Drug Lord was sending his top secret message with a freaking pigeon.

So far, you three had been standing around for thirty minutes. Steve gave a great sigh and stalked off to his little coffee stash. He would've offered you some, but he knew you hated whatever the Hell it was he drank. It wasn't coffee, that was damn sure. It was brown water at most. But hey, Steve was American so you had to cut him some slack.

"I can't see a thing," Javi said behind the ginormous binoculars.

"Me neither." You agreed

"That's because you don't have binoculars," Steve told you as he joined the two of you again, his crap coffee in hand. "And you can't because you're blind as a bat."

You snorted, but Javi wasn't as amused. He handed the binoculars over to Steve angrily. Knocking him right in the chest with 'em while Steve handed off his drink to Javi. You watched as Javier inspected the cup.

Just as he raised the mug to his lips you clicked your tongue and nudged him.

"What?" Javi mumbled against the cup.

"You don't wanna drink that, Javi," You giggled. "It's the mierda Americana he drinks."

As if on cue, Javier spit the drink back out into the mug and proceeded to pour the whole thing out all over the grass. You elbowed him lightly.

"Javi..." You whined. "You shouldn't have dumped the poor guys shit out."

"I'm doing him a favor." Javi mumbled, leaning close to you ear to whisper: "Everything in America tastes like crap."

"Oh? How do you know the difference between crap and the good stuff?"

One of Javier's flirty smiles tugged on his lips, warming your face more than the mid-day sun. He gave you a glance over that suggested just enough to set you on fire and Steve was right there, probably witnessing his co-workers flirting relentlessly to his left.

"Let's just say I've tasted the good stuff...and it's all 100% Colombian."

"Hey one's going! Ten o'clock!"

Javier pulled away, slinging the rifle from over his shoulder and getting locked into position. You squinted at the sky and barely could make out the tiny body of a pigeon darting out of the building in the distance and up into the open air.

"It's flying low..." Steve stated.

BAM!..... BAM!

Steve ducked as Javier swung the gun over his head, following the desperate pace this pigeon was keeping up as he tried to get a third shot in. You stepped back from Javier, not wanting to get smacked in the face today. Finally, Javi let the final one go - BAM! - but the pigeon was long gone. You crept back to Javi's side, watching him stare somewhat fascinated and confused at the fading form of the carrier bird.

"Hm," He blinked. "That's one fast fricking pigeon."

"Fast as heck." You agreed.

"Give it here," Steve waved Javier to hand the gun over.

This didn't go well with Javi. He passed Steve the rifle but mumbled nonetheless:

"You saying I'm a lousy shot?"

"Yes," Steve seethed. "I'm saying you're a lousy shot. You're a shit shot."

You rolled your eyes. "I'd like to see you try hitting a pigeon going at 100 miles per hour."

Steve smirked behind the gun's scope. "You're only standing up for him because he's been sleeping with you, right?"

Javier and you exchanged looks of surprise before you doubled over laughing. Is that really what Steve thought? That we'd been hooking up this whole time and that's why you were poking fun at him? The guy was American but that didn't mean he had to be an idiot.

"Heads up, heads up!" Javi announced.

So he'd finally seen something through those binoculars! It was a second pigeon. Steve aimed, following the bird, but didn't shoot sporadically like Javi. Maybe he would hit it....

But then he fired and totally missed.


"Give me that," You snatched the gun from Steve's hands, trained it on the bird and then BAM!

About five yards away, the pigeon fell dead to the ground. Steve eyed you with sudden interest but Javi was checking you out like never before. He'd let the binoculars fall to his side as he smiled at you. You let him have one sly wink and then you thrust the rifle back into Steve's arms. He just went along in a dumbstruck trance as you headed towards the pigeon.

"We aren't sleeping together by the way!" You yelled out. "He hasn't even asked me out yet!"

"What the Hell are you waiting for man?"

It was Steve. He was urging Javi to go after you. You smiled to yourself, knowing maybe by hitting a bird you finally got that date you'd been waiting for. 

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