An Unexpected Run In | Oberyn x Reader

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Summary: While running to escape hostile pursuers, you run into someone unexpected...

Warnings: None...just...Oberyn being his usual sensual self

A/N: My friends always make fun of me for this One-Shot because of the reader's feet getting 'washed' by Oberyn but anyways, I'm spoiling. I hope you all like this One-shot! Also we're almost to 100 reads! Comment something fun I should do for the 100th read! Alright, back to the show...

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The thudding of your heart rang in your ears. Your body quivered from lack of oxygen, but you couldn't feel anything. You couldn't feel your worn feet, now torn and bloody after running miles throughout the city, trying to escape your pursuers. Whoever they were, what they wanted with you was wrong and it would be your end...if you met it. So far, you'd escaped, but even now, cramped in the alley of two closed up shops where the town was quiet, you knew you weren't safe.

Finally regaining your breath, you relaxed against the wall. For now, you could breathe. Literally. At least until-

Until now, you thought suddenly. Your body went rigid as the subtle sound of footsteps on the cobblestone joined the blood drumming in your ears. You held what little breath you had and forced an idea through your swimming head. Run. It was the only thing you could do. You weren't strong. You weren't brave. But you were quick and you had endurance like no other...


Around the corner you flew, smack into the brick wall-like chest of a stranger. With the wind knocked out of you, you struggled - gasping for breath. Your feet worked mindlessly, urging you forward and around the stranger, but whoever it was wasn't intent on letting you go. They grabbed hold of your waist, trying to tug you back. You screamed and fought like you'd been taught to. This was it. This was your last moment before you were nothing more than a toy for some pervert-

"NO!" Your voice was hoarse and weary, your fighting spirit died as the stranger's hold tightened.

"No, what?" The stranger's voice was unfamiliar. But it was teasing. Teasing and rich, rich with a foreign accent that made your insides squirm.

You slipped and the stranger let you fall onto your stomach. In a panic you flopped onto your back, ready to run again. That is...until your eyes found the stranger's face and you froze, splayed out on the ground, the presence of a Prince. The famous warrior from Dorne - the Red Viper - Prince Oberyn Martell himself. He wore a canary tunic, loose fitting and open at the chest putting on quite a display. His face was intriguing and handsome. Oberyn's close cut beard traced his immaculate jawline, framing the rest of his features. Your heart rate slowed to a normal pace as you admired him from the ground.

Maybe it was your angle, but Oberyn was tall. Far taller than you'd expected.

"What is a girl like you doing out here?" He asked.

"I'm - I'm sorry your highness-" You scrambled onto your knees, trying to stand up.

Oberyn stepped closer, his thigh inches from your face where you were kneeling. The numbness was gone. You could feel the ache in your bones, the strain in your voice, and greatest of all...the sharp, stinging pain in your feet. Oberyn peered down at you curiously, his lips curling into a gentle smirk. He cocked his head to the side.

"You fought me hard..." His finger found your chin, lifting it so that you met his penetrating gaze. "What are you afraid of?"

"The men who - who...who chased me," You answered. "I've been running for so long I-"

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