Stunning | Maxwell Lord x Reader

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Summary: A surprise guest visits the Artifact Department where you work and you can't help but fall a little...

Warnings: Lotsa Authentic Maxwell Lord flirting, he can't help himself can he?

A/N: This is a shorter One-Shot, I know, but it wasn't a huge idea, just something small...anyways, enjoy!

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The minute you set foot inside your office at the Artifact Department, you had a feeling deep in your gut that something crazy was going to happen today. You often got feelings like that though, and half the time crazy meant finding an old pencil that you'd gotten lipstick on. Today however, the sixth sense was true to its word - or should you say feeling. You held up the ID card around your neck for the guards to see. One of them was a good friend of yours. He gave you a toothy grin and held the doors for you. After calling out a thanks you wove your way around people to get into an elevator leading down into your Department.

Once you got inside, your favorite song started playing. Unable to contain yourself, you started humming and shaking to the beat, the lyrics finally falling from your lips as the doors split. Still singing, you made your way to your desk, passing Barbara, a nerdy girl like you - if not more - who worked the same job.

"Morning Barb!" You sang.

"Oh (Y/N/N) you make anything sound so lovely," Barbara sighed, though she really was teasing.


Sometimes you worried Barbara got too jealous, too self conscious and desirous of what others had. She wasn't content. It worried you, quite a lot actually, but you refused to say a thing. She was a coworker but a friend? Not necessarily. You'd done lunch dates and had movie nights but she was so...

Not your type.

She was too much like you for your own liking.

"Hey, you can rock glasses," You retort. "I certainly don't have that gift."

This was true. You didn't need your glasses often, but it bothered you that you couldn't look cute in them. Barbara had the most adorable, stylish thing going for her and it made you smile everyday.

"Liar," Barbara huffed.

You puffed your cheeks out and frowned, poking her with a really long ruler in the back so she yelped. Then, in a low voice you said: "I tell truth."

Laughing, Barbara wandered off to her space to get working. You sank into your own chair, but no sooner did you do so then your boss strode in, directly for your desk. Hovering behind her was a man you swore you'd seen before. Where? Maybe on the street or in the museum? Many faces passed in and out of the Smithsonian, that was for sure. Either way, you couldn't help but get lost in the lively gleam in his dark brown eyes. They're molten chocolate. Sweet...captivating...delicious. You breathe swiftly when the orbs you've been quietly admiring find you and a grin splits on the familiar man's handsome face. His jaw is very square and nose hangs at a unique curve, and yet he's more beautiful than any cardboard box man you've ever laid eyes on.

Not to mention his flashy blue pinstripe suit and flamboyant yellow tie.

He looks...


"Ms. (Y/L/N)!" Your boss announces. "This is Mr. Lord, you may have seen him on TV. He is the owner of Black Gold, an oil company. He's terribly interested in what we do here and I hope you can share that with him. Don't worry about your tasks, we can cover them later." She smiles at you, knowing you work your butt off and could use a break and then nods at Mr. Lord. "Enjoy yourself, Mr. Lord. (Y/N) is one of our best. She knows all there is to know!"

The man - Mr. Lord - watches your boss as she walks away. Once she's gone, he clenches his hands into fists and gives them an excited jerk. You giggle. Mr. Lord spins around, grinning like a little kid on Christmas and meets your amused gaze with a sheepish blush. You shake your head and rise from your seat, offering your hand over the desktop. Mr. Lord is quick to take it and you can't tear your eyes away from how large his hands are.

"Ah, Ms. (Y/L/N), you have no idea how nice it is to meet you."

Mr. Lord's voice is deep, richly accented and somewhat arousing. With the warmth of his rough skin against yours, it's all you can do to stay focused on the here and now. You muster a shy smile.

"(Y/N)," You state. "Just (Y/N)."

A smile twinkles in Mr. Lord's eye. "Ah, just (Y/N)."

"And...Mr. Lord I believe-"

"Maxwell Lord," He nods. "But Max will do...if we're going purely on a first name basis... (Y/N)."

The way his tone drops as he says your name...

"So!" You exclaim, a bit too loudly. "What would you like to know about our department?"

Max trials his eyes around the room. His expression is full of wonder. It reminds you of your first day on the job. So many ancient things at your finger tips! It was like becoming a time traveler.

"Anything! Especially something new...something special?"

Special...that made you think of something.

"Well, I've been working on this piece," You begin to draw back but realize suddenly that Max is still holding your hand in his.

Smiling sheepishly, Max lets you go. When his eyes land on your heated cheeks he smirks ever so slightly.

It sets you ablaze.

"Um, so...yeah, as I was saying-" You squat down behind your desk and push aside a box to reach the smaller one. The one you're looking for. You haven't yet noticed that Max has pressed his body across the desk and is leaning down to see what you're up to. He backs away before you can crash your head against his. "-this is pretty special, or to me it is..."

Off comes the lid and inside is a large, three spiked stone - citrine - and at it's stone base there's a metal plate with an ancient language carved in.

"What is it?" Max asks.

"Well..." You check to make sure the coast is clear. Max gets the idea and leans in, turning his ear to your lips. The initial impulse to kiss the soft flesh startles you. Instead you whisper, "I believe it's a wishing stone."

"A..." Max gawks at the artifact. "It...grants...wishes?"

Blushing, again, you stutter, "Yeah well, I think so. I mean, it's been noted in history around times of prosperity and well, I just...I assumed. Plus with the engraving it's pretty clear. But the historical ages of prosperity always lead to calamity so I'm guessing this is more of a curse than blessing, you know?"

At the end of your rambling, you're expecting a bored Maxwell Lord who wants to just hold the damn stone and then get a tour, but he's not bored in the slightest. His gorgeous eyes are taking in all of you. He's watching you like you are the priceless relic of ancient history. Like you grant wishes and end in men's destruction. How and why is a mystery but you roll with and and hold out the stone for him to touch. Max trails his fingers down the hard surface.

"I hear there is a party tonight." Max states, still petting the stone.

"I've heard similar."

"Are you...going?"

No. I was planning to eat ice cream, drink two whole sodas and then watch some Romantic Comedies but...

"Yes," You reply quickly.

Max grins. "I'll see you there then."

"Yeah," You practically sigh. Then, realizing you were supposed to be showing him around not flirting you stow the stone away and come out from behind your desk. "Tour?"

"Lead on," Max agrees.

You do what you've been told to, but you can't help getting lost in making a list for tonight's preparations. It's going to be amazing. Max will be there, and that's what makes it all worth daydreaming about.

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