Christmas on the Crest | the Mandalorian x Reader (Christmas Special)

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Summary: When Din comes back to a Christmas explosion in the Crest, you realize your husband may not even know what the holiday even is!

Warnings: Waaaay too much Christmas Mandalorian fluff, buckle up people

A/N: I'M BACK! Yes I know I've been neglecting my Pedro Pascal book. I've just, gotten into more dudes and characters and Pedro's slipped my radar a bit. But I wanted to do a Christmas One-Shot and I thought who better to do a Christmas One-Shot of than Din Djarin? My favorite of Pedro's characters! So I wrote through this in mainly one sitting (I'm exhausted now, just from writing!) and here it is! I hope y'all enjoy! This is a bit of an AU because I'm not sure Christmas exists in Star Wars, but they say Maker and swear on the Maker so I assume there's a Jesus figurehead to base the holiday around. (I played with the idea a bit) Anyways, enjoy and of course, Merry Christmas!

Words: 3442


The Razor Crest had never been so alive. The only thing missing is Din, but he's out, finishing up a job on the planet. Although the planet lacks snow, it's still relatively chilly. A temperate forest with foxes and deer scurrying about. You can hear Grogu giggling at the two fennec pups wrestling in the dirt by the bottom of the Crest's ramp as you bustle about the hull, stringing up lights you've been saving since the beginning of the month. It's the last month of the year and tomorrow will be the best day of the year: Christmas. You're not sure how Din hasn't noticed the season yet, but somehow he's gone the whole month without a single burst of Christmas Spirit. No holly hung up, no light, not even a tiny tree for the cockpit! Sure, life with Din is entirely nomadic, hopping from galaxy to galaxy, hardly ever staying in one place long enough to call it home, but that's no reason to neglect the best time of the year!

There's no point to life without Christmas, you think cheerfully as you successfully pin the final lights and garland onto the wall above Din's personal cabinet sized arsonal.

Sighing in content, you hop off a crate and take a step back, admiring your work.

The Crest looks beautiful.

Not to say it wasn't before Christmas swept through like a twister. You've always had a soft spot for the rusty ol' tin-can. The Razor Crest has a homey robustness about it. Not too grand, not too ragged. A perfect balance of humble and functional, with that pinch of sentimentality. Memories swirl around your heart, toasting it gently. As you spin in a slow circle, breathing in the metallic musk and waft of pine, you're overcome by a sense of nostalgia. Ghosts of the past dance around you. Mando, you, and Grogu, from various points in your journeys. Grogu starts to raise Mando's helmet with his powers and you laugh as Din struggles to grab it and pull it back on. By the cockpit's ladder, Din helps you down, hesitating once he's secured his hands around your waist and you drop into the hull, caught in his arms and under his spell. Grogu shamelessly gorges himself on a foreign creature's eggs. You gasp and rush over, shutting the incubator.

That particular memory makes you laugh.

"He always did have a big stomach." You muse.

As if on cue, Grogu totters right into your legs. He bounces backwards and falls onto his butt, tiny head cocked back. You look down at him, straight into his glittering brown eyes.

Brown eyes, you reflect. Just like his father.

"What're you up to little bean?" You inquire, crouching down to Grogu's level.

He gives a disoriented coo.

You chuckle. "Not sure? C'mere ad'ika, let's go finish setting up!"

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