Lonely | Agent Whiskey x Reader

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Summary: After hanging out at the local bar, you run into a cowboy of all people...

Warnings: Just some genuine Agent Whiskey flirtation and some minimal swearing

A/N: One of the only Agent Whiskey One-Shots I have tucked away and I decided to post it. If you'd like more Agent Whiskey leave a comment! I'd love some ideas for another One-Shot with him...anyways, enjoy!

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So you were at the bar, just hanging out...trying to lay low. You didn't want anyone's attention really, but you wouldn't have turned down a hot guy if one showed up. On a boring night like this...being alone wasn't the most tempting option. You'd done your fair share of drinking and talking with the bartender. You turned around to grab your jacket and pull some cash out of your coat pocket when you slammed into someone's shoulder and nearly fell over your own feet.

The 'someone' caught hold of your waist in the nick of time, swinging you around to face them while clutching you close. You could feel your heart racing, pressing your body against the 'someone's'. For a moment, you wanted to back away...but then...then you remembered how lonely you had been and-

Damn. He's hotter than Hell. Your eyes trailed up the broad, thick chest of your savior and landed on a very square, very handsome jawline. Then the large, somewhat plump lips...the hooked nose...the mustache...and lastly the eyes. Dark, chocolate brown. Delicious and deep and startling.

They flickered with amusement. It tickled you. Warm feelings incited in your gut as you read the saucy expression this guy wore. That's when you noticed the cowboy hat and you finally smiled. This man had everything.

"Watch your feet honey," The Cowboy advised you with his sexy southern accent. "Not every gal gets lucky enough to be caught by a cowboy."

"Mmm, I must be special then," You replied.

"What got you outta your seat so fast? Pretty girl like you shouldn't have to leave the party so soon."

The cowboy's face was so close to yours, you could feel the heat of his breath on your cheeks. You struggled to swallow the intense smell of whiskey in his breath. You didn't even know this guy's name but you were practically begging for this to be the first of many moments with him.

"You're right, but I haven't got much to do around here and I've had my drink so..." I sighed. "Figured I'd pay and head home. I was getting my jacke-"

Where the Hell is my jacket?  You wondered, frustrated, as you scanned the chair you nearly tripped over for your coat. Mr. Cowboy let you go, tracing his hand gently down the outside of your thigh as he pulled away. A shiver flew down your spine but you clamped your teeth down hard on your bottom lip and distracted yourself searching for your missing jacket.

"Damn it where'd it go!"

"Sure you didn't drop it somewhere?" The cowboy inquired.

"No!" You huffed. "Ugh, I had money in there."

"Someone mighta stolen it, the bastards." The cowboy hissed.

He's right. Dammit. I guess it's good I had my phone in my butt pocket. "Hey Jerry, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to pay you later-" You began to apologize to the Bartender but Mr. Cowboy laid his hand on the counter and placed a few bills down.

"Allow me."

Something like a shy grin played on your lips. "You caught me and now you're paying for my drink. Do I get a name or is it just Mr. Cowboy?" You teased.

"Jack Daniels, but my friends call me Whiskey," Whiskey offered you his hand. "But Mr. Cowboy sure has a nice ring to it."

You stifled a gasp as Whiskey lifted your hand to his lips and pressed a fleeting kiss to your knuckles. His mustache prickled your skin but it wasn't uncomfortable. You could've sworn you saw a sort of... hungry gleam in Whiskey's eyes as he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.

"What's the chances a gal like you would let a cowboy like me walk her home?" Whiskey asked in a low tone that had your insides quavering.

"I'd say not good...but I just might not be the girl you think I am."

Whiskey smirked. His eyes had you pegged. 

So Whiskey ended up escorting you out of the bar and down the road to your house. You lived alone of course, single and looking for someone who had the same plans as you. Getting married, having kids. You hadn't found that someone yet but you'd met plenty of catches along the way. None of them came back for a second date sadly so your dreams of marriage hadn't gotten a great start.

"This is mine," You said, stopping by your driveway.

Whiskey whistled. "Far from town, must be lonely darling."

"Well, yeah. But I live alone. I'm used to it. Not a lot of people want to..." You hesitated under Whiskey's kind, understanding gaze. "I'm not the town mascot that's for sure."

"Well the town must be badly mistaken," Whiskey remarked. "Cause you're just about the most gorgeous woman I've laid eyes on."

You froze, uncertain of how to move. You were now at your doorstep, Whiskey leaning on his elbows against the door frame and there was you, somewhat backed against the door itself. You peered up into Whiskey's dark, longing eyes and felt your heart flutter. This man was really getting to you. You could feel his breath on your face. His gaze dropped away from your eyes and to your lips.

"How'd you like an authentic, cowboy kiss?" Whiskey murmured seductively.

"What's it cost?" You asked quietly.

"Free of charge."

Just as Whiskey leaned down to kiss you, you placed a finger over his lips and giggled softly. "How about you take me out tomorrow and I'll pay up?"

"You got yourself a deal, darlin'." Whiskey smirked, pulling back enough to tip his cowboy hat at me. "G'night."

"Goodnight," You called out to him as he backed off your porch and disappeared into the dark horizon.

You really wanted that kiss, but if Whiskey made it through date one...maybe you'd get to kiss him every day of your life. Either way, at least you weren't so lonely for the time being.

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