A New Kind of Power

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Before I start this chapter I want to say that this chapter is a very special chapter because it's dedicated to my sister, Tailyn. My little sister is now 6 today! Happy birthday Ms. Tai!

Vegeta's POV

The sun peeked over the horizon as the moon disappeared. The stars slowly faded as the sun took over the sky. Then, a bright light came from Glintfang. The burst of light surrounded her and shone brightly. "Who won..?" My voice was shaky and dry. Something emerged from the light.


I thought she was gone forever. But this girl didn't look like Talamag though. She had wolf like ears on top of her head and her white tail was more bushier. Her hair now had streaks of white in spots.

"Talamag...?" I stuttered. "This is bizarre. How?"

Talamag's POV

After defeating Glintfang, she gave me her power. At first i thought she was bluffing, but when I saw the light and climbed out, I could tell that Glintfang's power was flowing through me. It felt satisfying. The power was like no other. Her power was beyond my expectations. I was glad I won the fight, now I could see the people I fought for. I descended onto the platform and saw three slightly confused faces and one happy face.

"I knew you could do it, but what's with the get up?" Goku looked at me funny.

In the corner of my eye I could see a white line. It took a while for me to realize it, but my hair had had white highlights. "What the?!" I searched around for more changes, but gladly didn't find any, at least I thought. "Oh, one more thing, your ears.." Goku started tapping his foot on the ground.

I wildly touched around my face for my ears, but didn't feel them until I felt the top of my head. "Please don't tell me," I mumbled lighly. "Wolf ears!" Gotenks sat up. "So you've come back." I sighed. "Oh and sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to do it." I walked over to Gotenks and helped him up. "we can all be glad that you didn't completely loose it," Vegeta turned his back on us and took one last glance at me, then flew away.

Goku's POV

Talamag looked completely different. As we flew to my house, I noticed that when she smiled, she had fangs. She must have absorbed Glintfang. I guess she doesn't have to worry about the full moon now. But one thing worried me. Does she have the same killer instinct as Glintfang? I sure hope not. It would kill me if I had to fight my sister, but if I had to I would. The four of us landed just before Gotenks split up I to Goten and Trunks. Trunks said goodbye to everyone and left for capsule corp. "I'm tired, goodnight Goku," Talamag hugged me and walked upstairs to her room. I could hear her tried feet drag her to her room.

She must be exhausted. She fought strong and won, that's my sister for sure. I yawned and went upstairs too after I told the boys they could stay up a little longer. I heard Goten scream "Gohan! Bet I could beat you in a game of Space Intruders!"

In the room I could tell that Chichi was already asleep. I glanced over at the clock that was perched onto of a dresser.

Seven o' clock.

We stayed up all night. I yawned and climbed into bed, not caring if the clothes I was wearing were dirty. I pulled the sheets up to my neck, and fell asleep happy and tired.

I awoke the next day to the scent of bacon.


I toppled out of bed and rushed downstairs. There I saw the two boys on the couch, knocked out. Those boys probably stayed up later than I said they could. Talamag was sitting and eating and Chichi was cooking. "Good morning Goku, hope you had a nice nap." Talamag waved to me.


I looked over my shoulder at the clock above the TV which read nine thirty. "I had only gotten two hours and thirty minutes of sleep?!" I screamed. That only made the women giggle. "I'm going to take another nap," I dragged my feet to the stairs when Chichi call out "Without breakfast?" I stopped and thought about that for a moment. "Ok, I'll eat and then go take a nap." I slouched all the way to the table and sat down. In a few minutes, I was presented with a bowl full of french toast and eggs.

After I was done with my meal, I woke the boys up with a slap to the face. They both jumped up and looked at me guilty. "Uh sorry dad," both of them apologized. I pointed to upstairs and the boys ran as quick as they could. Behind me I could hear Takamag get out of her seat and put her dishes in the sink. I turned around, a smile on my face. "Would you like to resume our battle?"

The Female Saiyan (DBZ) (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz