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It's been a week since the incident. Honestly, loosing all of my friends certainly did not make me any happier.

It's like one big bullet to the chest, knowing you have no one to talk to and no one who is willing to be there for you.

But, on the bright side, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not or being extremely uncomfortable. I can just kick back and relax.

Currently, it's Friday morning, and I'm refusing to get ready. I guess me overthinking things have been what's keeping me from getting ready in the morning.

I get up from bed, and automatically stretch and yawn. Getting up in the morning is one of my least favorite things to do. But unfortunately, I still have to do it.

I do my typical morning routine, wash my face, brush my teeth, moisturize my face.

I walk over to my closet, and quickly skim over my closet, trying to find something to wear. I end up choosing a maroon baby tee, black jeans, and black doc martin's. I top it off with a chocker and brush my naturally wavy brown hair. I do a black smokey eye with mascara and I was ready to go.

I walk downstairs, not in a rush. I'm never in a rush for school anymore. I kind of just take my time and if I'm late, I'm late.

I was not in the mood for breakfast, so I just grabbed a hard boiled egg and only ate the egg whites. I grab my car keys and my back pack and head to school.

-at school-

I walk into the school that I now dreaded to enter. Everyone was in their own little group and laughing along with their friends.

I sigh, wishing I could have what they had. But, I guess some things you can't have.

I walk over to my locker, feeling like a lost puppy looking for its home. Things still felt strange because normally, Brandi would be standing by my locker. But now, she is standing by Alexi's locker, like she doesn't even know I exist.

I grab my first period books out of my locker, and close my locker door, only to see the one person I did not want to see.

Jack Gilinsky.

"Hey Andrea," he said with a smirk.

"What do you want Jack."

"Woah baby, there is no need trying to get rid of me."

I roll my eyes, he is getting on my nerves. What else does he need? He already has my friends and has thrown away my social life. I think he already has enough from me.

"You know what Jack, you can leave. Leave me alone," I scoff, "Just think, I'm the one that gave you your social life, gave you friends, and suddenly that gives you the right to take mine away. I'm so done with you Jack. I should have known you were just another one of the many asses at this school, so go take your fuck boy attitude and go far away from me. Thank you, and good bye."

I walked away from him and felt another weight being lifted off my shoulders. I just poured out all of my feelings and let me tell you, it felt pretty damn good.

I enter my first period class and take a seat in my normal seat, the back of the classroom. I have 20 minutes to go before class so I just put my head down.

I just don't get it, why? I thought me and him were going to be close, but I guess I was wrong. Just like most things these days.

And just to think, I thought Brandi was my best friend, but she didn't even stand up for me. I guess I know where I stand now.

It just pisses me off, this whole time I've had fake friends. I have had their back through everything they have been through, and I thought they meant it when they said I was their best friend. Lies, lies, and more lies.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

I look up to see a boy with light brown hair and brown eyes. His hair was kind of long, and let me just say, he was not bad looking.


"Great, can I sit?"


He takes the seat next to me and smiles at me, I smile back because that was the only friendly thing to do.

"I'm Matt," he said as he stuck out his hand.


"I like your name."

I blushed slightly, "Thanks, I like yours too. So are you new?"

"Yeah just moved here from Virginia."

"Don't you miss it?"

"Not really, I never really liked it there."

"Oh, well I hope you like it here better?"

"I hope I do too."

We talked until the bell rang, and the teacher came into the classroom and began teaching the lesson. It was some kind of boring shit and it ended in just Matt and I talking. He was really goofy, hardly ever serious. But to be honest, it was nice talking to someone who wasn't all that serious.

The bell rang and we all darted out of the classroom, except Matt and I.

"Well, I have to get to my next class, but make some friends okay?" I sound like such a mom right now,"I'm sorry if I talk to you like a baby."

He chuckled slightly, while on the other hand I was slightly embarrassed.

"Alright sure thing. Can I find you at lunch?"

"Sure thing."

We parted ways, and I started walking to my next class.

But sadly, I get stopped by my 'best friend'.

"Hey Andrea.."

"What Brandi."

"Look, I'm so sorry about the other day. I should have stood up for you, but can I be honest with you?"

"Lay it on me. I would love to hear your excuse!" I said sarcastically.

"I think I may like Jack. He's cute, funny, and just perfect. And I thought if I stuck up for you, he wouldn't talk to me anymore. I didn't want that."

Are you fucking serious? Isn't it supposed to be a boy should not get in between our friendship? Nice move Brandi, nice move.

I laugh, she stares at me with a confused expression on her face.

"Still, you shouldn't let a boy get in between our friend ship! We were so close, and just like that he is more important than our friendship. Now, I really can't fucking stand you. Good bye Brandi, have a nice life with fuck boy."

I don't know why everyone thinks I'll be okay with everything that they do to me. I'm just so done with everyone's bull shit. Just done.

I can't wait for this day to be over, and it's only started.


sorry I won't be updating as much, but I'm on vacation and there is no wifi.

I feel like this chapter sucks, but oh well.

bear with me, im just getting into the mood of writing again.


okay I'm done ily 💖


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