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Tonight is the night. My first high school party. Weird isn't it? I'm a senior and never have been to a party, but hey, I've been living a routine my whole high school experience.

I was currently putting on my black heels, which is rare for me to do. I stood up, and walked to my full length mirror and took a look at my dress. It was a basic black dress, except it hugged my body and barely went past my ass. It was a medium sleeved dress, and the sleeves came off my shoulders. One of my favorite dresses, even though I barely wore it.

I walked over to my vanity, checking my hair and makeup to make sure everything looked okay. Believe or not, I was really nervous. What if I do something wrong or something that you're not supposed to do at party's? I don't know, I guess I'm worrying too much.

I hear a horn honk outside, which meant Brandy is here to pick me up. I grabbed my small hipster and walked down the stairs and out the door.

I see Brandy standing outside of her car, and she had the most gorgeous dress on. It was a royal blue that fit tight on her skinny body. Her blue eyes completed it.

"Damn girl, I thought you would come out in jeans and converse," she said and smiled. I let out a small laugh and playfully punched her. We got inside her Camaro and made our way to the party.


The stench of alcohol reeked throughout the house when we entered. I was not used to this smell by any means, but I guess I need to get used to it. I'm probably going to be here a while.

"You alright?" I hear Brandy shout over the music. We're currently dancing to some random music that no one knows, and I guess I got lost in my own thoughts.

"Yeah, just not used to it." This wasn't a lie, and she knows it. I wouldn't lie to her.

"C'mon, you need a drink."

I didn't have time to think before Brandy pulled me over to the table scattered of alcohol. She grabbed this random bottle that I don't know the name of, and some cherry coke and mixed them together.

"What the fuck is this?" I turned my head to her, unsure if I should drink this odd substance.

"Just drink it Lopez!"

I hesitated, then chugged on the whole drink. The alcohol burned the back of my throat, but the cherry coke relieved it. It was actually pretty good, and that's a lot coming from me.

"Wow," I said. She nodded and made her self a drink that was different from mine.
"Now that you've had a drink, now let's really go dance," Brandy said. She dragged me back on the dance floor dancing to some random song by Maroon 5.
"Hey look there are the guys," she says and drags me towards them. And in those set of guys I see the one person I wouldn't expect here.


"Hey Andrea, you look great," Jack said to me. I smiled a little and was getting ready to respond when Cameron pulled me off the dance floor, once again.

Man, do people really dance this much at party's?

We continued dancing, until I got tired of it. I stepped of the dance floor before I could dance anymore. I walked into the kitchen and opened a can of coke.

"That's weak," this random guy said to me. "Here, let me mix it up." He takes the drink from me and mixes different types of alcohol and adding some lime. He gave it back to me and walked away.

"Hey Andrea," Jack said as he approached me. I turned to him and gave him a slight smile as I put down my cup. "Hey, how have you been?"

"I've been good, not the best." He lowered his head a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. Something seems off about him, but I can't grasp onto it.

"Yeah, where's Alexi?" I asked him. He looked back up, obviously confused about why I asked the question. I don't know why I asked it either, it kind of just popped out.

"She decided not to come tonight," he said. "Are we cool? We haven't been talking and.. I miss you." I sighed, realizing we haven't talked in a full week. He hasn't gotten the hint?

"Yeah I guess, I mean, it's going to be kind of awkward now." I said it awkwardly myself.

"Well then let's not make it awkward," he says as he lazily throws his arm around my neck. An electric shock sent through my whole body. "Let's go to be backyard, they are playing some games and we could play some of them."

I nodded, as he took me to the backyard. I wasn't familiar with any of the games here. There was a game that involved some type of alcohol and this ping pong theme. Over by the pool, people were sitting in a circle, with cups in front of them. Each person had a cup in front of them, and I didn't know why. And the last group was sitting by a fire, I couldn't tell what game they are playing. How am I going to play any of these if I don't know what they are?

"Which one you wanna play?" he asked me. I looked around, unsure of which one I choose.

"Um, that group over there?" I pointed at the group by the pool, that one seemed to be the only game I saw interest in.

"Never have I ever? Alright." He said as he walked me over there.

We sat down in the circle where the rest of the people were. Jack said hi to most of the people, where on the other hand, I just sat down quietly. Since that seemed the be the only thing I could do.

"Alright let's get started!" one of the guys shouted.

It went in a circle, and people basically just said what they have never done. And I'm guessing if they have done that, people would take a sip out of their cup. Who knew that there was a lot of things that you haven't done?

It finally got to Jack. He hesitated for a second, and looked over at me. It was like time stopped and it was only us in the universe. Our eyes stayed locked until he decided to speak up.

"Never have I ever," he paused. "Thought I would have fallen for someone I've only known for 2 weeks."


this chapter was so long omg

but I hope you liked it because I know this took 5ever to write

I have a 1.00 in history wtf

but goodbye loves, I will always love you. 💞

-taylor 🌚

senior year ↠ jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now