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I looked over to him as if I've seen a ghost. Is he in-directing this to me? No, he can't be. He's probably just lying or trying to play me. This is all just to get a reaction out of me.

"Um, I'll be right back." I stood up, and walked away from the circle. I couldn't stay there, it would have just led myself to asking more questions that I wouldn't have the answer to.

"Andrea, stop," someone said. I turned around to see Jack standing there, looking desperate to hear at least a word come out of me. I turned around, not knowing what to say or do. This is a first for me. I don't know how I'm supposed to act or what I'm supposed to do. It's all so confusing, but feels so.. right.

"Please Andrea, say something."
"I don't know what to say Jack."
"Then you don't have to say anything," he said. But before giving me time to even process what he said..

He kissed me.

It felt like a million fireworks were exploding inside of me. I have never felt a feeling like this, not for anything. It was the best feeling I have ever felt, it felt so right and in the moment.

At that moment, I realized something. I didn't want this moment to be with Cameron or anyone else, and I hope Jack didn't have a moment like this with Alexi or anyone else. This moment, was meant for us. No one else. At this moment, I finally knew..

I like Jack.

He released his lips from mine, and looked me in the eye. We did this for a while, until I decided to speak up.

"That was-"

Jack chuckled softly as I did the same. I smiled at the ground, trying to hide the blush that was rising up in my cheeks. Jack lifted my chin with index finger, and looked me in the eye once more.

"Don't hide that gorgeous blush of yours," Jack said softly. I blushed even more, but this time, butterfly's were added to my stomach.

"Jack, I need to tell you something," I said nervously. Jack nodded his head, wanting me to tell him. Well, here goes nothing.

"Over the past few weeks, I've realized that I like you Jack. It kills me to see the way you act around Alexi, pangs of jealousy happen whenever you guys kiss or even simply flirt. And when we kiss, I get butterflies and it's like a million fireworks burst inside of me. I can't even describe the feeling of when we're together." I paused, and smiled down to the ground again.

"I like you too Andrea. I'm glad that we've met. The moment I met you, I knew you were different. And I liked that. I love that you have a different style and how you're goofy a lot of the time. It gets me jealous whenever Cameron flirts with you. I wished I was the one who got to hold your hand and call you mine. You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you, and I finally manned up and did it."

We both laughed at the obvious cheesy-ness. Jack kissed me once again, and the same feeling came up, once again.

"How about we head back to my place and order pizza?"
"Sounds like a plan to me."


omg this chapter sucked im so sorry loves

I have had severe writers block lately and I'm so sorry I haven't updated but here I am.

I've been really sick lately, I got a form of strep throat and it has sucked ass. but here I am. 💖

well, Valentine's Day is coming up, and honestly, not looking foward to it. I hate Valentine's Day.

well, I'm gonna get going. I love yall, and btw comment if yall want me to re re-write this chapter when I'm off writers block. 💞

-taylor 👼

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