- Important Poet's Note -

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I can't believe I'm actually here! That this is actually here! I'm so excited to publish a new poetry book, and I really, truly love this one <3 Although, that may seem odd in a second...

You see, it's a bit different from my other poetry books, but I'm not going to explain it entirely here and now. I want you, my flowers, to try to figure it out as you read through it. It has a pattern and a broad overarching topic that I'm hoping will shine through enough for you to recognize them. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments sections :)

I know exactly how many poems there are going to be, what they're going to be about, and how they connect. And I'll tell you all in my closing poet's note ;) (hehe...)

On another note, I want to just say how important and meaningful these poems are to me, on an entirely different level, honestly. I put my heart and soul into everything I write; it's all an expression of my life and feelings and memories and fears, but this book is much darker than my others. It holds my deepest secrets, written out in a beautiful, fluid code. Things I could never bring myself to say out loud. That's why I started writing poetry in the first place.

So, as much as I hate putting these words... "TRIGGER WARNING".

I have to keep you guys safe.

And these poems aren't happy. There's no inspiring moments of perseverance or grand displays of strength. It's pain and suffering and despair and loneliness and hopelessness and so much more.

It might seem weird now that I said "I really, truly love this", but I will always say that the best way to know how I'm feeling is to read my poetry. And I feel many things, many sides, many levels. I'm not necessarily as joyful, inspirational, motivated, confident, and strong as I may seem.

And, my flowers, if you feel that way too, like you're hiding a darker side of yourself... know that the strongest, bravest, and most incredible people are the ones who acknowledge that they're struggling, embrace their humanity, but don't just give in and let themselves drown, even as they can't help but think in the shadowy backs of their minds, with the utmost sorrow and desperation...

"So this is life"

<3 Rea 


If you're ready for the storm, my flowers... read on. There's nothing else to say.

<3 Rea

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