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i walked to school while singing an IU song to myself. it's hard but it didn't sound half bad. Love Poem is a fucking masterpiece.

(shameless advertising!!!)

i walk my usual route to school, passing a class of kindergarteners who, instead of playing on slides and monkey bars, played on a tablet. maybe i'm just old.


i heard my best friend call out. Han Jisung, a chaotic hamster who's obsessed with all things related to music.

"hey Jisung"

i waved at my best friend of 13 years. my crazy, energetic best friend.

"come on, i gotta get there early because of class duties,"

he groaned. i giggled at his expression. he looked like he was contemplating his options of life and death.

"class duties aren't that bad"

i said teasingly. but really, all you have to do is put all the chairs down and write the date on the board.

"whatever you say ma'am"

Jisung rolled his eyes. we walked to school and had to part ways. I'm in class C-6, while Jisung's in class C-4.

i was fairly early because Jisung made me walk faster, so i decided to buy a drink before class started. i passed by a classroom on the way where the dance and vocal club was cleaning up.


i heard a shout. it wasn't soon enough to stop me from getting smacked in the face

"ow what the fuck?"

i mumbled to myself as i held my nose.

(if you have glasses they're still intact)

"i'm really sorry about that, are you ok?"

a guy with shoulder length black hair asked. i nodded.

"i'm fine, but you guys should be more careful. i'm going now, bye"

I said while waving to him and everyone staring at us from inside before quickly walking away.

Hyunjin's POV

"she didn't even blink at my beauty 😞😞"

I huffed in disapproval.


"what are you on this time man"

someone with a disappointed tone asked.



my nose hurts. the guy just hit me in the face with a long ass pole. i was in a pretty good mood too.

i paid for my drink at the vending machine and walked to my class. people were starting to come.

i sipped on my drink, and passed by the room again.


i got hit in the face with another. fucking. pole. the force was lighter than the last time though.

"i thought i told you guys to be more careful"

i winced in pain while picking up my drink from the ground and mourning over its spilled contents.

"sorry about that"

the guy who hit me said. i rolled my eyes and walked to the nearest trash can to throw the box away.

(before anyone calls y/n rude, she did just get smacked in the nose twice with a mic stand 😭)

i walked straight to the classroom and away from that room. i sat in my seat in the middle row. you get called on less in the middle. students started flooding in.

i directed my attention to the window next to my seat so i could focus on the drama the other students talked loudly about.

"oh it's you"

someone said from behind me. i turned to look at them, and it was the dude who hit me the second time.

"yeah hey"

i said, not really wanting to have a conversation. it's too early. the guy must've picked up on it or didn't wanna talk either because he just fell asleep.

the bell rang and our teacher walked in.

"good morning, let's take attendance now. but first, please wake up Minho y/n"

ms. lily said. 

i assumed this Minho was the guy behind me, so I poked his head and shoulder until he woke up.

"ok i'm up"

he said sleepily. i paid no attention to him after that despite the fact that he kept poking me with his pencil during class.

the bell finally rang, signaling a break until the next class, math.

"hey hey you!"

Minho called out.

i was tired of him following and bothering me, so i turned to look at him.

"do you need something?"

I asked exasperatedly.

"what's your name?"

he asked.

"Choi y/n"

i said. i watched as he grinned and walked away. kinda weird. i turned and walked to class before i was late.

After School

"Y/N? Y/N?! Y/N!!"

Jisung said loudly. i jumped and looked at him.


Jisung huffed and rolled his eyes.

"you've been spaced out since class ended"

he pouted. i laughed a little. he's cute.

"just thinking about a guy who hit me with a pole"

i said. he blinked. and blinked again.


he said with a dead but amused tone.

"i was gonna buy a drink when a guy named Minho hit me as i was walking by"

i explained.

"Lee Minho? the dude with a handsome face?"

Jisung asked with recognition in his voice. i shrugged. he wasn't exactly ugly.

"i think i know him. he's a great dancer"

Jisung said excitedly. he's in the dance/vocal club too, but skipped because of class duties.

"but he made me lose my drink 🥲"

"i'll buy you another one"

he said as i looked at him happily.


he continued. i groaned. there's always a catch.

"you're gonna come to my club with me"

he said.

"but why" i groaned. Jisung knows i want nothing more than my bed right now.

"we just finished a song so i wanna get your opinion. everyone's been asking for a second opinion. and you could stand to see how much we enjoy performing"

he said. i sighed heavily but agreed to go.

"now let's get you that drink"

Jisung sighed. I cheered happily as Jisung paid.

"thanks Ji"

i said, happily sipping my drink.

"alright bitch, next up is your part of the deal"

Jisung said happily. i rolled my eyes, but followed him to the clubroom.

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