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i followed Jisung to the club room where everyone was already finished setting up. i counted 7 people, 8 with Jisung added.

"hey Jisung, is this the lovely y/n we've been told so much about?"

one of his friends came up to him and threw an arm around his shoulder.

"it is! hey everyone come here!"

Jisung shouted. my introverted ass was ready to murder him. i hate when everyone's staring at me 😭

everyone walked over and crowded around us. thankfully there weren't that many people.

"this is my lovely amazing best friend y/n and i brought her so she can critique our song and choreo"

he said proudly as i waved awkwardly at everyone. then my eyes fell on two familiar people.

"nice seeing you again y/n"

Minho said with a sarcastic smile. the other guy who hit me just looked guilty.

"nice to see you too. and you as well"

i said as i gestured to both Minho and the first guy who hit me.

"you know Hyunjin?"

Jisung asked me. everyone in the room besides Jisung looked away and avoided my gaze.

"yeah. he and Minho were the ones who hit me with mic stands 😃"

i said while laughing a little bit. everyone looking away turned to face me with relief, probably since i didn't seem mad at anyone.

"you're really giving her more brain damage 😨😨"

Jisung said in fake anger. everyone laughed since the mood got much lighter. they started introducing themselves.

"i'm Chan! i'm the one who made this club and i'm Jisung's senior"

a guy with a friendly smile said. he seems like a sweet person. Jisung's talked highly about him before.

"i'm Minho. we met in class earlier. i'm a main dancer"

Minho said as he stuck his tongue out at me slightly. i did it back.

"i'm Changbin and i rap like Jisung here"

a very muscular guy said as he threw his arm around Jisung's shoulders.

"i'm Hyunjin and you can remember me easily by my beautiful face 😇😇 i'm in the same grade as Jisung"

Hyunjin said as emphasized his face. he really does have a beautiful face.

"that's my wife by the way"

Jisung said as he showed me a picture of Hyunjin in a bobbed wig. the entire group laughed.

"i'm Felix. i'm also in the same grade as Jisung"

a guy with starry freckles said as he smiled. he seems so sweet and pure.

"i'm Seungmin and also the same grade as Jisung. most of us are '00 and up except for our little Innie"

a guy with braces threw his arm around the shoulders of another guy with braces.

"i'm Jeongin and i'm the youngest here. i'm in my first year"

he smiled sweetly and his dimples sunk in his cheeks. Jeongin gives off youngest child energy.

"well as Jisung said earlier, i'm Choi y/n and it's nice to meet you all. you actually might know my brother"

i said, specifically saying that last part to the older members. they looked curious.

"Choi Yeonjun? he's in his third year"

i said. i watched Changbin's eyes widen.


he said loudly with recognition. everyone else seemed to recognize him too.

"he's a good kid and good at what he does. everyone here sees him as a role model. i wish him the best with his trainee life"

Chan said while smiling fondly. i smiled too. he's set to debut soon. i hope he's having fun.

"everyone, we should start getting in position now that everyone's been introduced"

Jisung clapped his hands and said. i stifled my laughs. he's usually so goofy and having to be the one to be scolded.

everyone got in position and started their song. i assumed it was called Hellevator judging by the amount of times they said it.

when Jisung hit a high note i whistled quietly to myself. everyone's such good singers and dancers.

"your guys' vocals are really good. the choreo looks really complicated, so it's impressive you can keep steady vocals throughout. you guys could even go up a key if you wanted to"

i said after they finished performing. no one really said anything. mainly because they were catching their breath.

"Jisung, try singing in a slightly higher key"

Chan said as everyone turned their attention to Jisung. he did and it sounded amazing.

"thank you so much for your feedback today y/n! everyone say thank you"

Chan instructed after everyone had finished calming down. everyone thanked me and i smiled.

"i'm gonna take a walk around the hallways. call me when you're done with practice so we can walk together"

i said to Jisung. i waved goodbye to everyone and started going around.

i started singing Love Poem again. i always loved singing, but i never wanted to be an idol. doing something i love for work makes me think it won't be fun anymore, just work.

anyways, IU is one of the best soloists and i stand by that opinion.

"you have a nice voice"

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