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"what the fuck"

i jerked up all of a sudden feeling something tickling my face. i turned to see the back of Minho's head brushing against my nose.

"morning honey"

he said sleepily as he slowly rose up from the bed. i sat up slowly, trying not to fall off the couch.

"you look silly"

i watched him point a camera at me as i turned to look at him. he showed me and i looked absolutely crusty disgusting. my hair was a mess and my face was crusty.

"i look disgusting"

i said as i stretched and stood up, heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"you look super duper adorable"

Minho laugh-yelled after me as i rolled my eyes and finished up.

"you got a brush?"

i called and Minho came in to show me where it was.

"i liked your bird nest head"

he said, chuckling at the picture on his phone as i brushed my hair back into a ponytail.

"come down and eat. we're going out with everyone after"

Minho said casually as we walked downstairs together.

"Minho i don't even have clothes to wear out. can you drive me back to mine?"

i asked as we sat down together in front of a plate of spam and eggs.

"i asked Han to pick us up. you gotta ask him"

Minho said simply before picking up a piece of spam and eating, pointing at it with his chopsticks and encouraging me to eat.

"where's your mom?"

i asked and Minho kept staring at his bowl.

"she went to work. she left us a note on the side though"

he gestured to the side of the table and i picked up a small blue piece of paper.

'i'm off to work. i made you two breakfast so no one burns my house. feel free to come by anytime y/n 💕'

the note read. i smiled at her little hearts and the kindness radiating from that small paper.

"i'm gonna go get dressed. come upstairs with me"

Minho said abruptly and i tore my eyes away from the paper, clearly in shock processing what he was saying.

"to watch you change?"

"i mean if that's what my honey wants"


"okay okay, i meant come so i can give you more clothes to change into while we wait for Han"

he clarified and i thought for a moment.

"i'll just rewear my uniform until we get to mine"

i said and he nodded. we headed upstairs together and i packed up all the stuff i brought to Minho's, putting his clothes i borrowed in the wash.


i shouted out the upstairs window and he whipped his head to look at me.


he shouted back and i heard Minho scoff from behind me.

"get out hon"

he pushed me out the door and into Jisung's car while he locked up the house.

"soooo, how was staying at Minho's house??"

Jisung wiggled his eyebrows and i rolled my eyes, punching his arm gently.

"nothing happened. calm down buddy"

i said and Jisung huffed.

"girl you're telling me everything tonight"

he stopped talking as Minho got in the back. we drove over to my house and i changed into new clothes. i also grabbed my bag and shoved all my essentials in it.

(this is so my style you guys WHXJQLDKKE)

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(this is so my style you guys WHXJQLDKKE)

"i'm ready"

i jumped back in the car and Jisung vroom vroomed away.

"where are we all going by the way?"

i asked as Jisung looked in the mirror, making eye contact with Minho.

"we're all going to a festival together. team bonding you know?"

Jisung explained and i smiled. there's this festival that's been all over Insta and i've been wanting to go so bad because it looks so fun.

"are we meeting up with everyone else there?"

i asked and Jisung nodded.

"y/n, aux please"

(songs that i've been obsessed with lately but don't fit in with the timeline at all)

"y/n actually has such a good playlist"

Jisung glanced back at Minho proudly and Minho hummed in acknowledgment, staring at his phone as we went.




Jisung and i sang together, Minho tuning us out in the back.

"oh my gosh Jisung this is our song"

i said nostalgically as i heard (G)i-dle's 'Allergy' come on. i saw Minho's eyes perk up in the mirror.

"why am i MEEEE"

we sobbed over and over again.

"you guys are so emo"

Minho said from the back.

"sing with us. it's so fun"

Jisung coaxed and Minho agreed to sing the next song with us.


Jisung screeched and we bounced up and down happily, the car shaking.

Jisung and i were in such a Lilac phase when this song came out. pretty much everyone was.

"damn, we're so good at hitting those high notes"

i said satisfied as Minho and Jisung were out of breath from the last note.

"ooh we're here"

Jisung said as we pulled into the parking lot and got out, going to our designated meeting spot with the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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