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"don't worry honey, i'll make sure you want to join"

Minho said as he smirked and walked away. Chan looked confused, but he smiled with a mischievous look on his face.

"honey? what's going on with you two?"

Chan asked teasingly as he sat down next to me and poked my arm. i laughed.

"i was explaining why this woman was calling her husband 'honey'. i guess he didn't get the concept because once we became partners for a project, he started calling me honey"

i explained. Chan nodded but looked a little confused.

"how are you in same same class as Minho? he's a third year and you're a second year"

Chan asked. i guess it would be kinda confusing.

"i lived in LA with Jun, so i already know how to speak fluent english. they let me skip a grade of english"

i explained. Chan's eyes lit up.


Chan shouted in english with an Australian accent. now i know why he was so excited.

"we're from Australia"

Chan explained with a fat smile. Felix had no idea what was going on but smiled too.

"y/n speaks fluent english. we should get together and talk sometime. we gotta start practice now"

the two said as they ran back to the center of the classroom. Felix smiled at me and mouthed 'aussie aussie'. i laughed and watched them practice.

"you guys, we have a very special guest who we are trying to convince to join the club, so let's do our best shall we?"

Chan said encouragingly. Jisung cheered as loud as humanely possible for me and everyone started warming their throats up.

i've already heard Jisung sing and rap and watched him dance. he's amazing at what he does and i'm proud of him.

i was mesmerized by everyone. everything about their performance really. i can tell who's strong in what aspects and everything too.

"so how was it y/n?"

Chan asked nervously. everyone was staring at me and waiting for my reaction.

"i thought it was really good. i can see what you all specialize in"

i said. it wasn't really good feedback in my opinion. i was just so enchanted by their performance i could barely speak.

"soooo, are you joining y/nnie? it can be for fun you know"

Jisung came and buzzed around me like a bee. i thought for a minute before nodding.

"wait actually? the y/n i've been trying to convince for weeks that performing can be fun??"

Jisung looked shocked. his jaw dropped further than my toes. i shrugged.

"you guys are good. makes me wanna improve myself"

i said as i stretched and Changbin handed me a mic.

"vocalist? dancer? rapper???"

Changbin looked kind of hopeful for me to be a rapper. i laughed and shook my head.

"vocalist. i don't dance, but i can rap a tiny bit. i learned from one of the best"

i said as i gestured towards Jisung and he smiled widely.

"this girl can't dance for shit but she's got a great voice. good rapper for a beginner too"

he said proudly. i looked around and saw Minho looking at me curiously. i looked away and focused on Chan who was digging out forms for me.


i said to Jisung who smiled mischievously at me. we sang Good Day by IU.

(guys if you didn't figure it out already, i love IU)

Jisung's my best friend for good reason. dude's like my platonic soulmate. he's energetic, i'm calm. we harmonize easily. cat and dog type shit.


"girl we gotta go karaoke together. i'm a vocalist too"

Seungmin said while smiling widely. i high fived him as the others just stared.

"oh wow. now i know why Minho was speaking so highly of you. he never does that"

Jeongin said innocently as Minho shot him a look and cleared his throat. i smirked at him and Minho just avoided my gaze.

"so anyways, you're free to join us whenever. you don't have to start coming periodically until we're done with Hellevator, so just enjoy yourself and come whenever!"

Chan said happily as he and the others started to clean up.

"soooo what's up between you and Minho?"

Jisung came up to me and put his arm around my shoulders. i rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"nothing. we just talked a little in english today"

i said. Jisung didn't look convinced.

"i saw the way you two smirked at each other girlie. you can't lie to me"

Jisung said pointedly while giving me this look that said 'i know everything'. i sighed.

"i'll give you the details later Ji"

i said in defeat and Jisung laughed evilly. Chan came and smacked him on the head for not helping though, prompting Jisung to immediately start helping.


Minho said as he held out his phone to me. i jumped a bit. bro snuck up behind me and said 'here' 🗿


he laughed as i took his phone and stared at him.

"your number?"

he asked shyly. dude did a whole 180. he looked like a middle school boy asking a girl he likes for his number because his friends forced him.

i raised my eyebrow while giving him this teasing look.

"why so nervous huh? you need my number for the project"

i said as i put in my number and handed him his phone back. Jisung called me to go so i followed him out and we left.


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