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"thank you for having me"

i said gratefully to Mrs. Lee as i sat down across from her, Minho next to me for moral support.

"not at all sweetie. i'm glad you decided to stay"

she said brightly. i smiled in return. she's a cute woman, and super nice.

"Minho's actually never brought a friend over before"

Mrs. Lee said nonchalantly as she passed me a bowl of rice filled with meat and an egg.

"that's because no one assigns group projects to take home anymore mom"

Minho sighed roughly before shoving meat into his mouth hungrily. Mrs. Lee rolled her eyes and i let out a small laugh their unspoken interaction.

"well anyways, i'm glad you're here and i hope you enjoy your stay. i wish i could eat with you guys but i still have to do something for my clients"

Mrs. Lee let out a deep sigh as she stood up from the table, taking the bowl she made for herself to her office room and coming back for a glass of water.

"what do you do, if you don't mind me asking?"

i asked and she stopped walking to look at me, Minho not caring to look up from his half eaten bowl of rice.

"i'm a nail artist. a client asked for a custom set today and i completely forgot"

Mrs. Lee smiled sheepishly and set her water down.

"waitt that's so cool. can i watch you make them??"

you could hear the not very hidden excitement in my voice and Mrs. Lee laughed.

"why not? go ahead and finish eating while i prep"

she chuckled as she walked into her office again.

"20 minutes and we have to do the project, okay?"

Minho suddenly poked his head up as i just put a spoonful of rice and meat in my mouth, choking at the sudden movement.

"holy shit y/n"

Minho visibly tried not to laugh as i swallowed whatever piece of meat i had left to eat and tears filled my eyes. he quickly got up and grabbed me some water.

he handed it to me and patted my back as i drank as much as i could.

choking on food is so annoying. like on one hand, i don't want food to go flying across the room. on the other, i'm gonna die if i don't spit it out.


i took a deep breath since i could finally fucking breathe again.

"there's tears coming out of your eyes"

Minho scoffed with a smile as he gently gripped my chin and started wiping the tears off my face.

contrary to what i thought upon first meeting Minho, he's actually a pretty sweet guy. this is not the behavior i would expect from someone who hit me with a mic stand.


he instructed as his thumb hovered just below my eye. i obliged and felt my eyelashes being brushed to the side, slowly drying off with every gentle movement.

"have you been sleeping enough?"

Minho questioned. i opened my eyes and felt him stroke the area under my eyes. his other hand reached up and flicked a piece of rice off my cheek.

"yeah? i get four hours a day"

i said proudly. as a second year high school student, that's not bad. Minho looked disapproving and clicked his tongue like an exasperated parent.

"let's get our work done fast so you can hurry up and go to sleep. you can sleep in since it's the weekend. ✨motivation✨"

Minho said sarcastically and i smacked his arm gently.

"OW Y/N"

he groaned dramatically. i smacked him again and got up to clean the dishes. Minho kept eating and i went to the office to watch his mom work.


he shot up and pulled me back by the shoulders, sitting me on the chair next to him.

"i wanted to watch though"

i protested as i shook his hand off my shoulder. he gripped ever harder and wouldn't let go.

"you, miss, need to go to sleep after working. four hours is shitty timing"

Minho sighed heavily and removed his hand from my shoulder.

"can we pleaseee just watch for 5 minutes? i just want to see the process"

i begged and looked at Minho with the most innocent angelic face. i probably looked like a demon but i tried.

"fine. but then we're really going up"

Minho sighed again as i cheered and waited for him to finish eating. he finally finished up and we sat next to Mrs. Lee's table, watching her airbrush a new set.

"are you interested in having your nails done? i'll make you a set if you're interested"

Mrs. Lee offered and i could feel the muscles in my face uncontrollably smile. her sets of nails are so cute. they even have little charms and tips.

"maybe next time. this one needs to go upstairs and help me with our white poster"

Minho dragged me off again and i mouthed 'i'll come back next time' to Mrs. Lee. she laughed and waved goodbye.

"i have a basic idea for the poster. i'll sketch it out"

i settled into the loft and started sketching my ideas, Doongie coming to cuddle up to me every now and then.

"this is taking a while y/n. do you need a break?"

he asked and i shook my head. my body betrayed me as i shivered and yawned.

"i'm just bored, and this is taking a while"

i yawned again and Minho shook his head.

"come on honey, you can't fall asleep just yet. we still have to get the poster content done"

i zoned out and vaguely heard him, fully aware of how tired i was actually becoming. my head bobbed slightly and i couldn't stop myself from blacking out.

"come on, wake up"

i was greeted with bright light and Minho shaking me awake suddenly.

"i want to sleep"

i mumbled and Minho puffed out a sigh.

"change your clothes and brush your teeth first dummy"

he gently pulled me up off the couch and walked me to the bathroom where a set of clothes and a new toothbrush awaited me.

i changed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and stumbled back to the couch where Minho was waiting.

"are you-"

i heard Minho say something before i crashed next to him on the couch and promptly knocked out.

Minho's POV

this girl just crashed and fell asleep on my shoulder.

"the things i do for this girl"

i sighed quietly as i took off her glasses and set them on the table.

(if you don't need/have glasses, they're reading glasses)

i debated whether or not to leave her on the couch or take her to my room. i settled for carrying her to my bed.

i picked her up and set her down gently, wrapping her up with blankets so she doesn't catch a cold.

i glanced back at y/n before turning off the light. i laid down next to her, our heads being so close that i could hear her soft sighs of content, finally getting sleep.

"night honey"

i whispered carefully, brushing stray hair out of her face before turning my back to her and finally falling asleep.

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