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"wait outside for a second"

Minho said as he quickly went into his room and shut the door. i heard loud crashing noises and heavy footsteps before the door opened again.

"it's safe now"

he said proudly as he showed me the inside of his room. i assumed he had just cleaned it in five minutes because dust was flying everywhere.

"you can sit down on the bed. i'm gonna go use the bathroom"

Minho made sure that i was okay before rushing off. i laughed at his franticness as he softly closed the door behind him. i flinched when i felt something touch me.

"well hello there"

i laughed when two cute orange and white cats jumped around me, one on my lap and the other cuddling up to my arm.

"you're making yourself awfully comfortable there huh?"

i said to the cat on my lap. he purred in response and played with the folds of my uniform skirt.

"you're so much cuter than him huh?"

i cooed as both cats nudged their heads into my hands.

"cuter than who?"

Minho asked from the door, leaning on the doorframe like a character from some drama.

"you. look at their little faces"

i said as Minho came to sit down on the edge of the bed with me. one cat went over to sit in his lap and the other stayed with me.

"this one with me is Soonie, and the one with you is Doongie. they have different colored noses"

he explained as Soonie poked his head up at the mention of his name. Minho pet Soonie while Doongie did not care about what was going on, he just focused on eating my skirt.

"i kinda have an idea of what we should do for the project"

i finally said after admiring Doongie's silky fur. Minho and both cats turned their attention to me as i picked Doongie up and carried him over to my bag. we sat on the floor together while i pulled up the info on my laptop.

"you don't have to carry him. you can just put him down"

Minho said as he carefully nudged Soonie off of his lap and came over to me.

"nah, he's warm and it's freezing outside. you have two sweet little lap warmers"

i pet Soonie affectionately as he came over to me after being pushed off of Minho.

"you're cold?"

Minho asked with worry laced in his voice. i shook my head.

"these two keep me warm enough"

i said with a baby voice. who doesn't do that when talking to pets though? it would be weird treating a cat like an adult.

"i think we should do a poster. it's fun doing arts and crafts instead of making a slideshow presentation"

i said as i observed the options. there was slideshow presentation, poster, or essay. no way i'm doing an essay for the final.

"i'm not good at arts and crafts at all"

Minho said skeptically. i laughed and Soonie looked at me in surprise.

"it'll be fun, i promise. we can put stickers on it together"

i tried to be persuasive and Minho gave in with a heavy, dramatic sigh.

"don't blame me if it ends up all fucked up"

he said playfully and i stood up to mess up his hair.

"even if it ends up torn, i got this"

i said confidently. Minho laughed lightly and i sat back down.

"what color do you want?"

Minho asked as he opened a drawer.

"light purple?"

i requested and Minho shook his head.

"no purple. what else?"


"no pink."



"bro what colors do you have"

i sighed in frustration with none of the colors being available. Minho turned back around to face me with an extremely happy smile.

"i don't have any colors. but i thought i'd ask you what color you want"

he laughed as he sat down next to me with a handful of white paper. generic white printer paper. i scoffed as an amused smile spread across my face involuntarily.

"you're a dumbass"

i laughed as Minho looked at me with a face of pure shock as he slowly stood up.

"you did not just call me a dumbass. you better run   y/n"

he said, smiling menacingly and i quickly got up and ran away, Doongie running after us.

"spare me and your adorable baby Soonie"

i laughed as Soonie mewed. probably because he's not used to being carried around when running.

"i'll spare Soonie"

Minho laughed as Soonie jumped into his arms and he pulled me down next to him on the couch, stacking pillows and blankets on top of me while i just laughed.

i couldn't move because i was too busy laughing and i was wheezing trying to get air since it was being sucked out of my lungs.

"y/n, Minho, dinner's ready!"

i heard a faint call from downstairs and our laughter slowed as we walked downstairs.

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