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"Lee Minho what do you want from me"

i whispered as i turned around to none other than Lee Minho, who was once again stabbing me with his pencil.

"will you join the club?"

he whispered back as he put on puppy eyes. he wasn't very good at it though.

"i said i'll think about it. just be patient"

i said and turned back around. it's just reading time right now. 90% of my class wasn't even reading. i gotta cook later, i can't do too much homework at home🧍‍♀️

i felt poking again, so i turned to see Minho acting innocent. his pencil was down and he was just staring at the window.

"what do you want"

i asked. i tried not to sound mean but it sounded a little annoyed. the corners of Minho's lips curled up slightly.

"can i borrow your book? i left mine at home"

he said innocently.

"one more page, then you can use it"

i said as i quickly read my page and handed him the book. i turned on some music and texted my brother.

i felt more tapping on my back.

"what do you want this time"

i asked, not even trying to hide the fact that i was kind of annoyed. i even pulled my airpods out for this.

"i don't understand what this means. can you explain it  to me?"

he asked, clearly taken aback by the look on his face. i felt kinda bad because he did get my attention for an innocent reason. i gestured for him to sit in the empty seat next to me so it would be easy to explain.


(this is english class so y/n, similarly to Yeonjun, is quite fluent in english)

"basically the woman here is saying that no matter what happens, she'll always stay with her partner. she calls him 'honey' as a form of endearment"

i explained. Minho nodded as listened and i explained further. eventually it occurred to me that he wasn't really listening to me.

"Minho, are you actually paying attention because it looks like you've been staring at my face for a solid 2 minutes 😃"

i said and Minho kept his gaze focused on me.

"you're kinda cute"

he said with a straight face. i was taken aback but i didn't get to respond as i was interrupted by the sound of students scrambling.

"ok everyone, back to your seats"

ms. lily came back to the classroom after dropping papers off in the teacher's lounge. Minho went back to sitting behind me.

"can the students in the first three rows line up in the front?"

she said. everyone was confused. ms. lily didn't say anything about what we were doing, just that we had to draw papers.

it came to my turn to draw the paper. i drew a familiar name: Lee Minho.

"these people's names are who you'll be working on your english project with. i posted the details on the class website. it's due at the end of the month. if you and your partner have problems, come talk to me privately. otherwise, you're dismissed"

ms. lily finished as the classroom started talking a lot. everyone started meeting with their partners.

"funny huh?"

i said sarcastically as i showed Minho the paper with his name on it. he smiled slyly.

"guess you're stuck with me huh y/n?"

he said teasingly as i rolled my eyes and put my book back in my bag. i started walking to my next class: music theory.

"hey honey, wait up!"

i heard Minho call out from behind me. i stopped and quickly turned around.

"why are you following me? and why honey?"

i asked as we walked down the hall.

"i'm in music theory with you in case you forgot. and we're partners now so aren't i supposed to call you honey? since i'm with you?"

Minho looked genuinely confused. i started laughing a little bit.

"honey is like a nickname used in relationships. does that mean you want to date me?"

i teased. surprisingly Minho just smirked.

"do i? honey?"

he called me honey repeatedly as i groaned and walked towards the classroom.

after that class, Minho and i split up due to having different schedules.

"will you join us honey?"

"OH MY WHere did you come from?"

i yelled but quieted my voice so people wouldn't stare. the bell just rang, so students were more focused on leaving than staring.

Minho was just laughing hysterically as i stared at him angrily.

"our club. will you join it?"

he clarified while wiping away happy tears. i didn't answer him. before i knew it, we were at the classroom. Jisung saw me and waved, visibly confused as to why i was with Minho.

"hey Jisung"

i said as i walked towards him. Minho just followed behind me, parting ways when i reached Jisung.

"hey y/n. why were you with Minho? hell, why are you even here? you never come to my club practices"

Jisung said with suspicion in his voice. i shrugged.

"i thought i would watch and see what you guys do. certain people keep pestering me to join, so might as well see what it's all about"

i shrugged while Jisung smiled at me. he went to go join everyone while i sat and watched in the front.

"had a change of heart?"

Chan came up to me with Minho and asked. i laughed.

"impress me and i just might"

i said, challenging him to make me want to join. Minho smiled slyly from behind him.

"don't worry honey, i'll make sure you want to join"

Honey Rain | Lee Know x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now