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Jisung and i got back to my house where Jisung immediately searched for snacks in the cabinet.

he calls it girl dinner whenever we have shit to share 🤡 we sit on the couch and eat whatever we want when times like this come up.

"chocolate chip cookie dough or Oreo cookie swirl?"

Jisung shouted with his head shoved into my freezer.

"you choose, i'm getting blankets"

i shouted back as i dropped my bag at the door and went into the closet in search for blankets and plushies.

this is honestly routine for us. Ji's on snacks, i'm on comfort and shit.

i grabbed a fat blanket and our favorite plushies out of the closet. i have a giant Molang plush and a giant penguin from when Hueningie and i won it together.

"i keep telling you there really is nothing going on"

i said as i threw everything i collected onto the couch while Jisung arranged the snacks on the table. he turned back to me and rolled his eyes.

"dude looked like a puppy trying to get your number. still wanna say nothing's going on?"

he said sarcastically. i stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back. we made ourselves comfortable on the couch and ate ice cream.

"so details"

Jisung demanded as he clinked his spoon against the bowl. i shrugged.

"he hit me with a mic stand, i woke him up in english, he kept poking me and asking my name. next day we become english partners, he calls me honey because he doesn't know what it means, and he gets my number for the project"

i summed the last two days up in about 20 seconds. thank god Jisung taught me how to rap.


Jisung looked shocked. i punched his shoulder and he fell back on the couch dramatically.

"ok but that was boring. i'm just saying he miiight be into you you know?"

he continued as he shoved ice cream in my mouth. i nodded.

"i did tell you that there really wasn't anything to say"

i said while munching on some random chip Jisung whipped out of the cabinet. bro knows my kitchen better than i do.

"well i mean, even if he does like you, you're my best friend and literally no one can love you as much as i do"

Jisung said adoringly as he cooed and gave me a fat hug. i rolled my eyes but reciprocated.

"we been best friends for 13 years. no way someone can love me more than you"

i gave him a high five and Jisung smacked my hand as usual. he hesitated after that.

"if someone wants you, you gotta come to me. you don't know how to keep toxic dicks away at all"

he scoffed and i shoved a handful of chips in his mouth.

"that was one time. also the only time i've had a boyfriend but still"

i said pointedly and Jisung still didn't look pleased.

"remember how in sixth grade this one guy liked you and said he wanted to take you to his house and keep you there forever since he loved you so much and you just awkwardly nodded before i punched him?"

Jisung said all at once and i sighed.

"okay but to be fair, i'm socially awkward in general"

i argued back and Jisung nodded.

"girl you socially awkward to the point where you'd eat those spicy noodles you can't stand just because you didn't want to refuse the person making it"

he said and i shrugged. it does sound like something i would do.

"well ANYWAYS. i make great decisions. like my wonderful decision to not date that creep"

i said proudly as Jisung rolled his eyes.

"i would hope you never date something like that"

he said and i laughed. i felt my phone buzz and i pulled it out to check.

"Minho just texted me"

i said absentmindedly as i read it. Jisung rested his chin on top of mine and read our conversation.


hey is this y/n?

is this minho?

answer me first

no you

i asked first


this must be you

and this must be you

is it you?

is it?

i am me

i am YOU

Renamed Unknown to Lee Minho 🧌

"you guys are stupid"

Jisung laughed as i set my phone down onto the table.

"he's just weird"

i said. we put on a show we just started binging and just watched together while commenting on stupid moments.

it's called See You In My 19th Life. i read the Webtoon and forced Jisung to watch the show with me. now he's more obsessed with the show than me.


he screeched as a cute moment came on and we both screamed in loneliness. this is the epitome of a best friend.

meanwhile on Minho's end

Renamed Unknown to Honey Y/n 💕💕

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