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"you have a nice voice"

i heard as i finished the song. i turned around to see Minho standing with Chan. apparently i circled all the way back to the classroom.

"you should join us. your vocals are amazing, and our goal is debut. we could debut in the same company"

Chan explained as he walked over to me. Minho followed and we started walking down the hall together.

"oh uh, i'm flattered you like my singing but i'm not looking for debut"

i said while slightly smiling.

"it's a shame talent like that would be wasted"

Minho suddenly asked. i was taken aback.


Chan said with a warning tone.

"what? people would kill to have the vocals she does. you're telling me that's not wasted?"

Minho argued back. Chan glared at him.

"i appreciate that you like my singing but i'm not suited to become an idol. sorry"

i said while laughing a little bit to lighten the mood. Minho sighed and walked back to the room.

"sorry about him. he's really set on debut, and it's been hard on all of us"

Chan said while laughing sheepishly. i nodded.

"i know how hard it is to become an idol. Yeonjun and Jisung alway call to talk to me. they're struggling a lot. i don't want to go through that. it might suck all the enjoyment i get from singing you know?"

i explained. Chan nodded.

"i get what you mean. all of us have been suffering. Han's been in a slump, so we're all supporting each other"

Chan said as we made our way back to the room.

"will you consider it though? joining our club at least. i promise we won't let you lose your enjoyment"

Chan asked hopefully as he stopped me in the hallway. he turned to face me and gave me a serious look.

"i'll consider it, but no guarantees"

i said while smiling slightly. i don't want to get his hopes up.

i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. i pulled it out to find Jisung calling. i declined and walked through the door to meet him in person.

"Jisung, we going now?"

i called out to him from the doorway. he nodded and said goodbye before running to join me. we waved bye together and set off.

"Minho told me how you didn't want to join the club"

Jisung said as he looked at me. we live super close to each other, but rarely walk home together because he has club.

"i told Chan and Minho i didn't. i'm a little worried singing might not be fun anymore if i make it a career"

i said sadly. Jisung knows how worried i am about him and Jun. i support them both, but seeing what they go through scares me sometimes.

"i know. this industry is hard. but you and i both love doing it. your brother too. just think about it"

Jisung persuaded. i gave him a questioning look.

"you knew i loved singing before all this happened. why only now are you trying to make me join your club?"

Jisung shrugged.

"it's not hard to tell you love singing. i know you want to make it a career. you're just scared"

he said as he turned to go down the street to his own house. we waved each other goodbye and i went on my way to my own.

i took a shower, ate, and did my work. there really wasn't a ton to do and it was easy so i got done early.

i felt my phone buzzing on the table so i turned it over. it was my brother.

"hey what's up?"

i asked as i put stuff in my bag again.

"just checking on my little sister. how are you doing?"

he asked worriedly.

"i'm doing just fineeee. don't worry about me. you should be worrying about yourself"

i scolded. Yeonjun chuckled from the other end.

"i'm serioussss. are you overworking yourself? how are the others?"

i asked.

"i'm just fine. i'm on break for a little bit. we're doing dance practice for Crown. everyone's good. you wanna talk to them?"

Yeonjun asked. i felt relieved. he's always been strong and resolute in his dream.

"yeah, can i actually talk to Soobin?"

i asked.


i heard him scream. i held the phone away from my ear and waited for Soobin to come.

"hey y/n, how are you?"

Soobin's voice reverberated through the phone. i laughed a little.

"i'm good, how are you?"

i asked back. we always do this awkward formalities thing. we're good friends but we never managed to stop doing this.

"i'm good. did you want to talk to me for any reason?"

he asked. i hesitated to answer, then sighed.

"a club at school wants me to join the dance and vocal club in hopes we can all debut"

i explained. Soobin hummed, indicating i should go on.

"Bin, i love singing so much but i've seen how you all struggle for your dreams. is it really worth having to go through all that?"

i asked dejectedly. Soobin was silent for a moment.

"when i first wanted to pursue this, i was the same as you. i performed in front of my school and i loved the feeling of seeing people enjoy my voice and enjoy what i did. that solidified it for me, so you just have to try and see"

he advised. i could tell he was smiling. all of TXT has expressed liking my voice.

"thanks Bin. i'll see you guys soon yeah?"

"see you soon. i'm giving this back to Yeonjun"

my brother came back on the phone.

"you good?"

he asked.

"yeah. it helped a lot. i'll talk to you tomorrow ok? tell everyone i say hi, love you"

"love you too. stay safe please"

"you too."

with that, i hung up and went to bed.

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