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Chan offered me a bottle of water and i accepted it gratefully.

we just got finished with practice and were taking a break before cleaning up. they do dance first as a warmup, so i always come later for the vocal part.

"are you gonna apply to be a trainee with us? it's still not too late"

Seungmin came to ask me. i shook my head.

"i really do think of this as just something i'd like to do for fun, but i don't want to be an idol"

i said softly and he nodded.

"guys, come listen up over here"

Chan started rounding everyone up. i followed as everyone walked to gather around him.

"i just got an email saying that we're candidates for a show that could lead to our debut"

Chan excitedly said. everyone started talking about it and i felt myself smile as i watched them talk amongst themselves.


Chan announced all of a sudden. their voices quieted as they looked nervously at Chan.

"we have to move and stop coming to school for a while after the show starts"

he said sadly. everyone started talking again, but the mood was completely different from earlier.

"guys it's only July right now. we don't have to pack up and go until October"

Chan clarified. i breathed out a sigh of relief i didn't know i had built up in me.

it's only been about two weeks with them but they act like family. they didn't hesitate to treat me like one either.

"you're basically Hannie's sister, so now you're ours"

Changbin declared just the other day. i remember everyone agreeing and showering me with attention just to make me feel welcome. they're great people.

"it means we have to work on the project before i have to go"

Minho whispered to me, tapping my shoe lightly with his own. i nodded.

we've been procrastinating and holding the project off for two weeks now. it's about time we get started anyways.

"we're moving to the new apartment building and leaving school at the end of the month, so be prepared. that's all, go home and rest a lot"

Chan dismissed everyone and we cleaned up before leaving.

everyone left the room and started going their separate ways. i tapped Minho's arm and he turned to me with mild surprise.

"yes honey?"

he said with a cutesy voice as he stopped walking. i scoffed, but nevertheless couldn't not laugh at his weirdness.

"want to work on the project today?"

i asked and he looked about ready to agree before hesitating.

"my mom's expecting me to be home by 7"

he admitted and i nodded.

"we can work on it tomorrow or something"

i said and walked away.


he said quickly before i could get too far. i turned around to look at him again.

"you can come over to work on the project. my mom would be glad to have you over"

he said and i smiled. i didn't have anyone waiting on me at home anyways.

"we can just walk to my house. i live pretty close to the school"

Minho continued as he led me to his house.

"your place is actually pretty close to mine and the JYP building"

i said as i looked in the direction of my house before turning down another street.

"yeah. my mom was happy that it was nearby"

Minho smiled and glanced down at me. it lowkey felt kinda sad. i swear i'm not that short.

"is your mom really okay that i'm just coming over?"

i asked nervously. i've only gone over to Jisung's house before and met his parents, and they treat me as if i'm their daughter having known me for years. other than that, i haven't met a friend's parents before.

"my mom would treat you like her child. she loves me to death but she's always wanted a daughter"

Minho said reassuringly. he didn't seem sad. he just seems like an adoring mama's boy.

"tell your mom i'm sorry but Jisung's parents pretty much adopted me already"

i laughed and Minho turned to look at me, walking backwards.

"i mean you could always be her daughter in law"

he said mischievously as my jaw dropped. he laughed and took off running as i chased him down the street, laughing as we went all the way to his house.

"here it is"

Minho wheezed out as we both tried to catch our breaths. he dug out his keys from his bag and unlocked the door.


i said frantically. Minho flinched and dropped his keys right before he could open the door.

"what's wrong?"

he panicked and i watched his eyes dart all over my face, probably seeing if i was dying or something.

"let me prepare myself before talking to your mom"

i said as i mentally came up with a speech. Minho rolled his eyes and pulled me in the house. i took a deep breath and he tightened his grip on my hand.

"i'm home"

he called throughout the house. i heard footsteps echo and come closer.

"welcome back"

a sweet, short woman said kindly as she hugged her son. i let go of his hand as he hugged his mom back. she stepped back and looked at me with confusion, but warmth remaining in her eyes.

"who might this adorable lady be?"

she asked kindly.

"this is y/n. she's my friend and we got a project assigned together"

Minho explained and she nodded and smiled.

"i was just in the middle of making dinner. we'd love to have you stay if you'd like"

Mrs. Lee offered. on one hand, i would hate to impose. on the other hand, i would feel bad refusing her since she seems so nice.

"she wants to stay but she feels bad saying so"

Minho nodded matter of factly. i discreetly hit his back and he stumbled forward dramatically.

"i'd love it if you stayed sweetheart"

Mrs. Lee said convincingly and i smiled at her.

"i'd love to"

i said finally and she took my hand in hers.

"i'll call you both down when i'm done, so go ahead and work on your project"

she gave my hand a final squeeze and Minho led me upstairs to his room.

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