Chapter 1

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Trigger Warnings for this book include:


Implications of sexual assault


If any of these things could harm your mental health please do not continue reading, you are more important!

-Selene's POV-

"Selene, hurry up!" One of the scholars called to me.

"Coming!" I called back, lugging the heavy books down the stairs.

I handed the books off and was met with a displeased look, I would never be good enough for any of them.

"You look exhausted pet, get some rest, you have been working yourself ragged," the head librarian told me as she walked over.

The old female held a soft spot in my heart, she took me in when no one else would, gave me a place to rest my head and a job when my only other option was to sell my body.

"I can't I need to stay in their good books," I said with a long sigh, being a bastard orphan was one of, if not the worst way to live in this world.

"No pet, you don't, you need to stay healthy, and as I say who stays here, you must do as I say," she told me with a wink.

I shook my head as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and led me to my room.

"I don't want you thinking about work until tomorrow, take the day off, you deserve it," she told me, squeezing my shoulder once before closing the door and leaving me with my thoughts.

The next morning the news of her death hit me like a brick, the only person to have shown me kindness was gone. I wept in my room for hours until I was dragged out to a meeting with the council.

They announced that the library would be knocked down to build a school, all of the books would be moved to the library down the road. My heart sank, my home once again gone.

"Selene, we know that you live there so we will offer you a place to live in the new library until you can make arrangements," the youngest councillor told me.

I thanked him quietly before leaving.

My worst nightmare had come true and now I was left with no option but to sell off my body. I was sixteen now, so I was physically ready for it, unlike I had been when mother died.

The tears worked their way back up as I tried to ignore my future. I could kill myself, end my sorry existence.

I found myself staring over the cliff edge. Only a small drop of my magic was water, the other part I kept locked up, it was a monster I couldn't let out.

I pulled a little of the ocean up and formed it into my mother's face.

"I miss you, you always were the best advice giver," I told the water sculpture with a sigh.

I burst the bubble as I began walking back towards the library that was now condemned.

-1 Week Later-

I was the last one out of the old library when I heard it. I was finishing taking out the last books to the library down the street, as well as my few belongings. I just had my small box of things left, the books all safely in their new homes.

"You idiot!" A male voice snapped.

"You saw what he was doing to her!" A second male voice yelled.

"He is the High Lord's Advisor, you should have let Rhys deal with it," the first voice snapped back.

I cautiously walked towards the voices, keeping my steps silent. I peered round a pillar and saw two Illyrians stood there.

Shit, before she died mother told me that if I ever saw an Illyrian, I was to turn and run the other way, no matter what.

The only problem with that is right now I was hidden, if I ran, they would hear me.

"We have company," the male, who the first voice belonged too, said calmly, looking in my direction.

The second males wings flared, and they hit the pillar that held most of the building up.

I watched as it crumbled and my eyes went wide, I was going to die here, I wouldn't get to the exit in time, and I wasn't overly good at winnowing.

I dropped the box and made to run for the stairs that would hopefully lead me to safety, if I was quick enough, but I was only halfway down when they crumbled.

I waited for the crack of bones that would kill me, but it never came, darkness took over my mind before any pain was felt. 

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