Think: Chapter Fifty-Eight: First Dealings with Divulged Desires

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Fifty-Eight: First Dealings with Divulged Desires

You groggily rubbed at your eyes. You could feel your hair was out of place, and you matted it down again, before planting your helm back securely on your head. Shinso cracked a smile at you, and you frowned up at him.

"I told you not to laugh at me," you grumbled.

Shinso chuckled. "I wasn't laughing, but now I am."

You stretched your arms above your head, yawning. "What's more concerning is that you're not the one exhausted this early in the morning," you said.

"It's easy to not look as tired as you normally do, when you always look tired."

Your brain did a hard reset when he said that. What kind of morning riddle was he trying to tell you? You pouted, rolling your eyes at him. It was too early for him to tease you. All the same, you were happy that you had a companion on your morning route to meet up with Hearts. It helped that his purple hair was a tall beacon of direction if the two of you got separated, but it wasn't like he'd let you get too far away from him. He'd already tugged you by the hand more than once. Because of your sleepiness, you'd nearly bumped into several strangers.

"I hope you focus up for when we're out in the field with Hearts," Shinso teased, after you hadn't responded to his previous comment.

"Not getting a good night sleep is nothing new to me." You fumbled with one of your utility pockets, looking for a piece of chocolate for a burst of energy, before you realized that while he was in your body, Shinso had ate all of your back-up sweets. You sulked in silence, crossing your arms over your chest.

"What's the sour face for now, Kitten?" he asked.

"You ate all my chocolate," you said in irritation.

"It's not my fault your body craved chocolate. It would be good for you to stop eating that sugary crap anyway. You should just drink coffee like I do."

"Those sugary chocolates were mine, and you had no right to eat all of them. Coffee is nasty and bitter. I don't know how you stomach it. Besides, I don't need to drink anything that will keep me short, thanks."

Shinso rolled his eyes. "If you think coffee's going to make your genetics worse, then I'm afraid there's no hope to caffeinate you properly. You'll just have to continue to deal with being pint-sized while also being tired."

You pouted out your bottom lip further. Shinso's hand rested on top of your helmet, and he chuckled again.

"Don't give me the silent treatment, Kitten. I happen to like how pint-sized you are."

"Stop teasing me," you grumbled.

Shinso held both his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay. I'll stop. I was just trying to cheer you up." He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Well, you can't cheer up a grumpy person," you said.

Shinso raised an eyebrow at you, smiling again. "Can't I?" He hummed in thought. "What if I promised to restock your candy supply when we get back?"

Your head perked up. You weren't going to turn down free candy. You narrowed your eyes at him. "Where are you going to get candy from?" you asked suspiciously.

Shinso shrugged. "If you don't want any, then I guess I could keep it to myself."

"N-no, I want the chocolate," you stuttered out.

Shinso smiled again, and you irritatingly realized you'd played right into his hands. His grin faded, noticing sadness creep into your expression. "Stop with the frowns. I'm getting you the chocolate. I was already planning to give it you when we got back anyway." Shinso rubbed the back of his neck. "Sheesh, Kitten, keep making those faces around me, and I'm going to start thinking you hate my company."

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