Think: Chapter Thirty: Burned and Broken

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Thirty: Burned and Broken

"This way!" Ochaco grabbed your hand, pulling you in the direction of an alleyway. She didn't have to force you, you went willingly, afraid of what might have happened to Deku. Shoto was close on your heels, easily keeping up the pace.

"He just suddenly collapsed!" she shouted. Her fingernails clawed into your skin as you went deeper into the alley with a dead end in sight, but there was no Deku.

"Where is he?" you asked, attempting to pull back to assess the situation. Your quirk sprung out to find Deku's thoughts, but hit a much darker mind.

Like luring kids into a van with candy.

You spun, grabbing Ochaco's arm, pushing her behind you protectively. Your gaze went past Shoto to see Dabi, standing at the other end of the alleyway. His cold smile made you stagger.

"Are you keeping me safe, Anna? How sweet?" An arm snaked around your neck, pulling tight. A knife cut through your dress and pressed into your skin. Ochaco's arm melted before you. "I see why Kobura finds you so precious." Toga's sinister voice exchanged with your best friends. She tightened her hold.

"Let her go!" Shoto shouted, making a move to get closer to you.

Toga pushed the knife into your neck, cutting through more of your dress' fabric. Blood began leaking from the shallow wound. Todoroki stopped completely, eyes widening.

"How careless of you, Sweet Anna? It took me seconds to find you from the picture that's all over the internet. Don't worry, I've taken care of those pesky images and rumors. It's as if that kiss never existed because it didn't. No one deserves you more than I do. I won't have your name slandered." Kobura dissolved from the shadows, swinging his phone between his fingers carelessly.

Shoto clenched his jaw. You were surrounded. You had a knife to your throat. If Shoto reacted now, Toga could easily kill you.

"We have her, let's go! No, let's stay! This could get interesting!" another villain spoke, one from the summer camp attack.

"Patience, Twice." Dabi held up one of his hands, which had been bandaged and splinted. "I can't seem to forget what the Little One has done to me."

Four five...A hulking shadow broke into the light, a creature that didn't seem like it should have ever existed. Eyes bulging, teeth exposed, and brain showing, it lumbered toward you. Fear sent a shiver through you, breaking any composure you had. This was bad, worse than bad. It was just you and Todoroki. Despite crushing your windpipe further, after noticing your hair begin to float, Toga was unable to stop you from unleashing a powerful call for help. One that you attempted to reach out farther than you ever had to before.

We're surrounded by villains! Help! You sent the message with images of your location, remembering vividly where you'd entered the alley out of fear of Deku being found hurt. The mental shout was so loud that it sent everyone down to a knee, holding their heads. It was also taxing on you, as your own knees buckled. You dropped out of Toga's grip, scrambling back to Shoto and pressing your back against his.

Someone would hear you. A hero had to be nearby. They could get help. It was the best choice, but it used a significant amount of your quirk's energy.

Dabi chuckled deeply. "I knew it. A mind quirk. So intriguing. You can reach out all you want, Little One. The heroes are a bit busy right now, dealing with some rampaging Nomus. No one's coming for you, so we have all the time that we need."

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