Think: Chapter Sixty-Eight: A Heart Stabbed by Fangs

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Warnings: This work contains mild language, blood, implied abuse, and violence.

Chapter Sixty-Eight: A Heart Stabbed by Fangs

Kobura's gaze had locked onto yours. You struggled onto your feet, battered and exhausted. Kobura's toxic green eyes were wet with tears, actual tears. One slipped down his face, making you warily take a step back, but realizing the hole that you'd fallen from was no longer there. You were trapped, cornered. There was no exit. You had to make one.

Aizawa's worries hit you like a truck. He warned you. He thought that The League of Villains would be involved, and they were. Your knees buckled, but you somehow kept standing.

You're not afraid. You're stronger now. You're tired but stronger, you reminded yourself internally, praying that you weren't so rattled that you'd projected your words into his mind.

"I've been waiting for you," Kobura repeated. "All of my life. I've been waiting," his voice cracked. The vulnerability in his words had you hesitating. His normally suave and sadistic ranting and assured demeanor seemed to have crumbled under the pressure inside him. There were dark circles under his eyes, and the weight of the world appeared to hold down his shoulders. Had he always been that skinny? Even his villain suit was a bit looser on him, the leather fabric over his muscles wasn't pulled taut.

"Stay back!" you warned him, lifting your hand up. Your quirk rumbled over your skin, wrapping like ribbons around your toned muscles.

Kobura didn't move. The tear that you'd seen on his face had soaked into his flushed cheeks. Kobura blinked, his eyes widening. He covered his face in his hands.

Your arm shook in the air. He wasn't attacking you. He wasn't fighting you. He was a villain. All this time he was a villain. Why was he crying? Why did he look so hurt, burdened?

"W-Why are you crying?" you asked, mentally punching yourself for even questioning it. Bakugo would have chewed you out for acting so weak, but you couldn't help it.

"I'm not," Kobura said flatly. His hands balled into fists over his eyes, his tears more evident. If you could see his face under his mask, you might have seen his lip quiver.

Suddenly, you weren't looking at a villain, your enemy. You were looking at someone in pain. Your arm dropped to your side, and you looked on. Your heart ached. Before you knew what you were doing, you rushed toward him.

Your arms came around his torso. Kobura's hands flew up. Despite everything, you didn't let go. You tightened your hold around his chest, leaning into him. He didn't move. His body stiffened, went rigid. His heartbeat resounded loudly, easily heard with your ear pressed against him. He'd gotten thinner. You could tell.

"Anna, I'm going to..." he choked out, his voice trembling, his body shaking. "...I could infect you with my quirk like this." His hands still kept from touching you, hovering just out of reach. Kobura attempted to hide a sniffle.

Your natural instincts were screaming at you. Every fiber of your being was telling you to let go. The intelligent part of your brain knew this was wrong. Why were you showing compassion toward someone that had so deeply traumatized you? Why would you show sympathy for a villain? He didn't deserve any form of affection toward you. Yet...

"Why are you crying?" you repeated the question. It was the only reason that you were standing within dangerous range of your enemy.

"I'm not..." This time Kobura's words flooded with mangled sobs. His arms came around you then, sending a shockwave of fear but also relief through your emotions. He pressed you closer to him. And, as if he'd clicked a switch, your mind launched into his.

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