Think: Chapter Forty-Four: Doku Kobura: Remnants of Obsession

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fan fiction using characters and settings from My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia created by Kohei Horikoshi. I do not claim any ownership of characters present in this piece that are owned and created by Kohei Horikoshi. I do not own My Hero Academima/Boku no Hero Academia.

Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Warnings: This work contains mild language, blood, and violence. If you are easily triggered by violent scenarios, please do not read this chapter. This chapter could be triggering to some readers.

Please be aware this chapter is in third-person perspective, following my original character, BioVirus, Doku Kobura, who is a villain currently a part of The League of Villains. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Although it's in Kobura's perspective, it is still a part of the current timeline of the fan fiction story Think. Next week we will be going back to Think's perspective.

Chapter Forty-Four: Doku Kobura: Remnants of Obsession

Kobura smiled to himself. His fingers brushed the keys of his keyboard. He loved the poetic innocence of subtlety. It was her third phone in a row he so easily hacked into, but he planned on being so much gentler this time. Anna Kokoro was an angel, a porcelain doll that needed to be handled with care or she might shatter and break. He had been rougher with her in the past, and it only frightened her away from him. He would ease into the relationship for her. She deserved as much.

He was angry when he discovered her parents had ignored her message about passing the Provisional Hero License Exam. He hoped his clone had expressed how much he wanted to support her, as her parents were too foolish to understand her full potential. He felt that sending her a single message of acknowledgment was all she truly wanted, a simple congratulations.

Kobura spun around in his professional black and green gaming chair. His fingers clenched around the chair's armrests as he looked at his wall adorned with pictures of her. How he wished so desperately to have gone to the Provisional Hero License Exam himself, to have touched her hair, to have kissed her. He wasn't allowed to spend hours that day admiring her pictures. He had much bigger business to attend to. He had kept a close eye on Anna's progress at UA. He knew that first years were going to be allowed to participate in the work-study program, despite concerns. It was only a matter of time until they had made the final decision. He also knew a lot of the qualifying work studies were going to be involved with investigating a drug that had been making headway in recent times. Kobura only got pieces from the web about it, careless exchanges in which one party wanted to know about another party's involvement with a drug that would destroy someone's quirk.

From little bits of information he picked up with social interactions, which he so hated at times, he knew that a lot of the drugs were being distributed and communicated about in an old-fashioned manner, an exchanging of papers, which was exactly why he was attempting to pursue assistance from Twice. He wanted to know more about it. He wanted to make sure that he was there for Sweet Anna's first experiences. Kobura knew Sweet Anna wouldn't be able to resist an opportunity to work with a mentor so she could get closer to her dream to become a Pro Hero. She would join the program, and he would finally be able to see her again.

There was only one problem with his little plan to get information from Twice, however. He wasn't exactly in good terms with The League of Villains. Shigaraki was mad at him to Kobura's chagrin. Kobura had disobeyed orders more than once for Sweet Anna's sake, not that they would understand. Kobura respected Shigaraki, so he felt guilt for doing so, but he had no choice. Anna needed him. They should all have understood his intentions.

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