Chapter 17: Heroes vs Captain Sadness part 2

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At the Louvre, the others fight off Captain Sadness, but their attacks didn't affect her.

At the Louvre, the others fight off Captain Sadness, but their attacks didn't affect her

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Captain Sadness: You'll have to do better than that to stop me. *She fires her black fire at them.*

Multi-color Feather: Magical Echo! *A speaker shield appeared and blocked off the fire blast, but the fire blast broke the shield and hit Multi-color Feather, she hit the ground.*

Captain Sadness: Weak

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Captain Sadness: Weak. *Soon, a few vines grew and wrapped around Captain Sadness.* Hey! What is this?

Green Wolf: Just a little green. You could use it instead of black and white.

Captain Sadness: Let go of me! *She starts to cry black tears and the black tears touch the vines and they suddenly start to fizz and go down.* Ha, sucker. *Soon, Ladybug and the Pig hero landed.*

Fire Shark: You're back. Who's she?

Ladybug: This is...

???: Pigella. I'm Pigella.

Mister Quills: Watch out! *Soon, a fireball was being fired, and they evade the fireball. Captain Sadness looked at them below and she see Pigella.*

Captain Sadness: Oh, a Pig hero. How fortunate. Time to end your little team of heroes. *She lifts her right hand and made a black fireball and starts throwing it down at them.*

Tigerlily: Snow globe shield! *She made a snow globe dome appear and protect them all from the fireball.*


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