Chapter 102: Morning routine and eating some breakfast

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The sun start to rise and the alarm clock start to ring, Marinette yawned and she stretched, she grab her phone and turn the alarm clock off, and looked at the time, it was 7:00 AM.

Marinette: Good morning, Tikki.

Tikki: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: Good morning, Lockette.

Lockette: Good morning, Marinette. *She fly down and she kisses her on the cheek, Marinette grinned at her. She gets out of bed and goes to her wall and looks at her calendar.*

Marinette: Hmm. Friday, July 12th. Better get ready for the day. *She goes to the closet and looks for something to wear.* This will do. *She pulled out a black and white striped shirt, a pair of black leggings, and white sandals. She goes to the bathroom and gets ready. In the kitchen, Tom yawned and he stretched too.*

Tom: Thank god it's Friday

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Tom: Thank god it's Friday. What can I make for Friday? *He goes into the kitchen and gets out a box of pancake mix and he goes to the fridge and gets a carton of eggs out too.* Think I'll make some eggs benedict and blueberry banana pancakes. Not a bad breakfast idea. *He starts getting the other stuff for breakfast. On the way down, Mulan and Shang walked out of their room and head to the kitchen and they see Tom in the kitchen.*

Mulan: Morning, Tom.

Tom: Good morning, Mulan, Shang.

Shang: Morning.

Tom: Wanna help me with breakfast?

Mulan: Of course. What are you making?

Tom: Eggs benedict and blueberry banana pancakes.

Tom: Eggs benedict and blueberry banana pancakes

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