Chapter 50: Breakfast time and Jordan get ready for training

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In Marinette's room, Marinette was sound asleep when the sun start to shine, the sun's rays shined on her face, and she woke up and yawned.

Marinette: Good morning, Tikki.

Tikki: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: Another day in Paris. *She get out of bed and Tikki went down too. She goes to the calendar and sees what day is it.* Tuesday, July 9th. And Bridgette's birthday is next Saturday.

Tikki: How old will Bridgette be?

Marinette: 16. Practically the same age as me.

Tikki: Wow.

Marinette: Let's see what we got to do today. *She gets her day planner out and sees what's planned for the day.* Hmm. No training today. Guess I can call Alya and say I can't meet with her and the others today. It's not like we got anything planned for the day.

Tikki: Think so?

Marinette: I don't know. I'll ask her soon.

Tom: Breakfast! Who wants blueberry muffins?

Marinette: See you later, Tikki. *Marinette heads downstairs to the kitchen and she sees her dad taking the muffins out of the oven.*

Tom: Okay

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Tom: Okay. The muffins are done. Just let them cool and get the juice and some fruit.

Marinette: Morning, papa. *She kisses him on the cheek.*

Tom: Good morning, Marinette. I just got the muffins out, just let them cool for a little bit and you all get some.

Marinette: Okay. Is there cereal left?

Tom: Let me check. *He goes into the pantry and sees a box in the fridge.* Hmm. Honey Graham.

Marinette: Thank you

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Marinette: Thank you. *She grabbed a bowl, and a spoon and go to the table, and make her breakfast, she go back to the fridge and get a carton of orange juice and milk. She also grabbed a cup for her orange juice and the milk carton for her cereal. Soon, Marin walked downstairs and yawned.*

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