All I Want For Christmas

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Katsuki sighed, white steam trailing from his lips and floating through the air, it was chilly enough that the world around him looked cold, even leaning against the brick wall with his arms crossed, the bite of the light breeze hitting his cheeks left them feeling like pin cushions.

The door of the small shop was open, the heated air escaping into the rest of the city, along with the words of the discussion going on inside.

As far as he was concerned, this was stupid and all of the synonyms for stupid that he really hadn’t cared to list, but here he was, waiting outside of an old, hole in the wall instrument shop as the most musically inclined member of their little group searched for something.

Well, not entirely stupid, since that something was a brand new electric guitar with serious riff power and built in amplifiers, not to mention the amazing sound that even a beginner could get out of it, or the fact that the strings were of a new metal made specifically for certain sounds that were based off of certain heroes with the ability to easily swap them out.

He had listened to a demo of the Midnight Melody strings in use, and honestly, even his fingers were itching to try it once or twice.

Not that he’d ever let ‘Earlobes’ know, he was a drummer in her eyes, if he let her know that he had some knowledge of a guitar he’d never hear the end of it.

More like the dumb cashier was making it stupid, being snotty and acting all holier-than-thou for a dumb reason, thinking because he was a guy and she was a girl, he knew more about everything than she did, and was quizzing her on keyboards of all things when she just wanted to ask if they had the guitar in stock.

He was just about fed up, and he really didn’t like butting in and ‘saving’ girls from situations like this, especially the girls in the hero division of Yuei.

Especially the girls in his class, not that he’d ever tell anyone, but Ochako actually kind of scared him when she was angry, a rare occurrence, but it happened, and given that she could hold her own against him, and sometimes even knock him on his ass, Katsuki had every right to do everything in his power not to piss her off.

Denki was still reeling from saying just the wrong thing to her last week during a most…Difficult time for everyone, but most especially the girls, in the dorms.

Rikido and he were practically locked in the kitchen serving the girls the sweets and grub they desired, so there was nothing he could have done for the resident Pikachu.

But here he’d make an acceptation, because.

A: Kyouka could barely get a word in edgewise.

B: When she did the asshole cashier would immediately talk over her or shift topics entirely.

And C: Kyouka was not a people person and she was getting flustered and embarrassed, and if the tightness of her voice was any indication, pretty fucking close to crying.

He pushed himself away from the wall and strolled in, getting a sick satisfaction when the cashier’s eyes had widened, he was even wearing a fan-made Ground Zero shirt.

Oh, this was too fucking perfect.

Katsuki walked up to the counter and slung an arm around his friend “Oi, Kyou, you find what you were looking for yet, the watcha-ma-call-it guitar or whatever?”

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