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From the gray skies above came small snowflakes. Typically, it didn't snow much in the UA High area. Only a small blanket would cover the surrounding vicinity every year. However, it was a bit different this time around. There was much more snow descending with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Everything was covered in white, from the rooftops to the bicycle parking racks to the trees. Anyone outdoors would be met by a cold gust on occasion, prompting groaning and irritable pulling of their caps. One of those denizens happened to be Kyouka Jirou as she made her way over to her classroom. Having so much snow around was definitely not something she enjoyed, particularly how cold her ears would get as they were quite sensitive to tempetature. Turning her head slightly, she recognized her classmates amongst the crowd: Katsuki Bakugo, disgruntled by...well...anything but most likely the weather, with Mezo Shoji walking behind, his arms attempting to bundle himself somewhat as he lacked clothing that could cover them properly.

After making her way into the building, she went straight to the classroom, and made her way in. Her classmates were mostly still engaged in their typical daily chatter, though a lot of it pertained to the heavier-than-usual snowfall. Removing her jacket and hat, she was just about to join the girls in their circle of talk when she felt a rough tap on her shoulder.

"Huh?" Looking back, she found Katsuki standing, scowling like he usually did. Furrowing her brow, she wondered what he wanted. "Hey, what's going on?"

"We need to talk." He motioned with his head toward the hall. "Now."

Something about his tone made her nervous. He sounded pretty pissy, but then again, this was basically his default 'setting'. Sighing a little, she took her schoolbag and placed it on her chair before deciding to follow him out the door again. There were no students out in the hallway anymore since they were all already settled into their classrooms after having dealt with the cold weather. It seemed he wanted to say something to her in private. She figured it would be best to remain calm. After having spent so much time with him in the last few months, between teaching him how to play the drums and partnering up in other class related exercises, she had learned that the best approach to being on his good graces was to stay firm and confident. Thus she decided to get to the point, curtly asking, "So, what is it?"

His eyes remained half-lidded, his mouth a straight line. Before she could say anything else, he shoved a package into her hands. "Here."

"What the--" She paused herself when she realized what had been given to her. New drumsticks. "Whoa. These are high end." Just as she was about question why he'd given these to her, she saw him skulking off toward class again. "Hey, wait a minute!" exclaimed Jirou, raising her arm in his direction. "What's the deal here?"

Growling, he spun around to glare at her. "Not so loud, you idiot!"

"Why'd you give me these?" She asked, lifting the drumsticks.

For a few moments, he continued to give her that usual threatening gaze that he gave to basically everyone. Though when he realized she wasn't going to budge without receiving some sort of answer, he relented and exhaled sharply. "It's for the lessons earlier this year."

"Really?" Kyouka examined them briefly before staring back at him. "You didn't have--"

"Yes, I did!" He cut her off rudely. "Just shut up and be grateful!" With that, he turned on his heel, and nearly broke the door when sliding it.

Blinking a few times, she wondered what his deal was. As she was walking through the door again, something began to dawn on her. It was getting close to Christmas time. Were these...Christmas presents? If so, that must have meant that Katsuki had given her one. Did that mean that he..? Red colored her cheeks as she thought about the potential implications of this. After sitting down at her desk, she peered at him. He had been watching her then sternly turned his attention to the front of the class. Was it really possible? Or was this just a weird coincidence? Her train of thought was interrupted with Aizawa's appearance, and she was glad for it. If she had to think about it any longer, she might've gone insane.


"Oh my God!" exclaimed Mina, leaning over on the table to stare Kyouka down some. "He's totally in love with you!"

Kyouka nearly spit her drink out at the lunch table as the other girls from 1-A giggled. "No way!"


-blue avocado

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