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It was past midnight and Jirou had just returned from a weeklong tracking operation that had left her exhausted. It had been her first mission away from her classmates and, most importantly, it was the first time she’d used her quirk for so long, and she was currently suffering the consequences of that. Her quirk was out of control. It wouldn’t stop picking up faraway sounds and processing them even if she wasn’t inserting her earphone jacks into anything. She had intended to go to bed immediately when she got back, hoping to get away from the overwhelming noises of the city and get some well-deserved rest, but as soon as she’d opened the dorm’s door, the multiple sounds her classmates made as they were sleeping had hit her like a brick in the face.

There was the irritating snoring, the upsetting rustling of sheets as some of them rolled around in their sleep and the insufferable creaking of the older bed frames some of them owned. The continuous rumbles of everyone’s ACs were not helping and…was that the muffled voice of an ASMRtist coming through someone’s earphones?

Jirou did have a playlist that could keep her mind and ears distracted from all those intrusive sounds, but her phone had broken when the villain she was helping capturing had sent her flying with a well placed punch. She tried to mute the noises by covering her earphone jacks, but the sound her fingers made as they wrapped around them made her want to scream. Too weary and sore to keep standing at the entrance, Jirou dropped the bag containing her hero gear and lay down on the largest couch of the 3-A dorm’s common room, her right arm covering her closed eyes and her left leg hanging on the side, soundlessly swaying back and forth. She decided to dig the nails of her left hand into her thigh, hoping that the slight pain would distract her from the auditory overload, but even that didn’t work. Her mind wouldn’t stop focusing on every single little sound her overused quirk picked up. She decided to wait this crisis out and suffer in silence.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles.

She wanted to cry.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles, squeaks.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles, steps.

Snores, rustles, creaks, rumbles, sliding doors.

Jirou sat up and frowned. Great. Someone’s up.

She started tapping her feet on the floor, trying to cancel out the dreadful noise of the elevator coming down, but the high-pitched ding it produced when it stopped at the first floor still made her ears ring for a few seconds.

The sounds of doors sliding open, a few steps, a light being switched on, a body turning, and a pause.

“What the hell are you doing here Earphones?” Bakugou called out in his usual grumpy way.


Jirou sighed, hoping he would leave it at that and get on with whatever he came down here to do. His loud and raspy voice was far from what she needed right now. She kept her eyes shut, too tired to pry them open. She heard glasses clinking against each other and rushing water. And then she heard more steps, then louder ones, so she opened her eyes and blinked twice just in time to see Bakugou plop down on the sofa across from her, a glass of water in hand. He sipped his drink while scrutinizing her, and Jirou looked down, slightly uncomfortable under his intense gaze. That’s when she noticed how red and swollen the base of her earlobes was, as well as the bruises covering her arms and legs. If how worn out she felt was any indication, she was pretty sure her face and hair weren’t easy on the eye either.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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