05 Palace

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You are my angel and my damnation; in your presence I reach divine ecstasy and in your absence I descent to hell.

Isabel Allende


"What troubles you, my prince?"

He looks at her upon her question, halfway coming out of the whirlwind of thoughts that had him drowning in them. She comes to stand beside him on the balcony where he has been absently gazing down at the gardens.

"You remind me of my mother," he says and turns towards her. "That's how she would read me," he tells her. "That's how she would direct to me."

She smiles wordlessly and he returns it softly. They both turn away from each other to look at sky. The night is young and the canvas of God, as always, is magnificent-- adorned by His artwork none can compete. He sighs and closes his eyes, placing his hands on the wooden handrail of the balcony.

"Will she forgive me for what I've done?" he asks her in a whisper, letting out his troubling thoughts to her.

"Where there is love, there is some degree of selfishness. How do I blame you when I've been in your shoes too?" He looks back at her and her lips pull up in another smile, clever this time. "Love is dangerous, azizi, and when in danger, you set reasons aside and find a way to live."

He chuckles at her reply and then hums, considering it. Love certainly is dangerous, but so is she. He refrains from giving her the compliment and licks the corner of his lip as it too turn up into a smile mirroring her own.

 He refrains from giving her the compliment and licks the corner of his lip as it too turn up into a smile mirroring her own

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It was late hour of the night when they had arrived at Baghdad. She didn't even get a chance to register the impression of the palace as Adam had taken her to a chamber via a secluded route and locked her in there. Now it has been a long while since she has been sitting alone in this fancy space and staring mindlessly at the walls. At least, Noura gets to have a good look at the chamber and finds it pleasingly beautiful. She's grateful she isn't thrown into a dungeon but she doesn't understand her being treated unlike a thief either, given the accusation put upon her. She doesn't complain though-- the place is unlike her old house in Isfahan and seemingly like a fairytale.

Her reverie is interrupted by the sound of the doors opening and she swiftly gets down the bed to her feet. Adam enters the room with a tray of food. Without a word, he puts it on the large divan besides the window and turns around to leave.

"I won't eat," she declares and he halts in his tracks. "Take it back."

Adam turns back around towards her. She flares her nostrils and lifts her chin like a petulant child, refusing to be deterred by him. He takes measured steps towards her and stops a few feet away.

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