14 Enemy

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Where could I rest but in your hurricane?

Erica Jong


She's not a bruise to his skin-- those marks fade with time. Neither is she a wound to his body-- they heal no matter if leaving scars behind. She's the never fading bruise to his heart, an open wound to his chest. She like fractures in his bone and a tremble in his blood. She's a knot in his throat, keeping him from breathing.

Maybe he's obsessed. Maybe love isn't supposed to be cruel like his. But she's that most precious part of his past which he never thought he'd find again. And now when suddenly he has, he's afraid of losing it again. A woman with ablazed eyes and fire on her tongue has turned him to ashes. How effortlessly he discards all reasons when it comes to her.

Maybe someday he won't be this crude, but for now this is the only way he knows. Maybe someday Noura will teach him how to love properly. But until then, he can only hope to conquer her heart. Then maybe someday, she'll allow him to rule it too.

That day, the kingdom and its riches won't be any superior than the throne of her heart to him. Only then, he'll truly become a king.

 Only then, he'll truly become a king

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"I knew you wouldn't stop at anything from coming here."

Adam stalks towards her, hands empty but his sword at his hip, too close in his reach for her liking. Her heart thuds but she's quick to shush it, her fingers only clasping the lantern and the dagger more tightly.

"I had to see how the caliph looks being locked up behind the bars," she replies sarcastically.

"Looks like you're disappointed then."

"You would wish. But I knew you're all liars."

"Am I?" He stops only a little distance away from her. "Didn't I tell you the truth about the caliph wanting you to be here, with him, and that not because of the theft?"

Noura scowls at him. "Whatever it is that he secretly desires, I won't bend to it."

"I've no doubt, stubborn lady." He smirks, extending a hand to her. "Give me the lantern. I mean no harm."

Noura laughs in disbelief. "You think I'll trust you?"

"Haven't I given you a reason to?"

"By putting a dagger to my throat?"

Adam unhooks his sword from his belt and her breath hitches. But to her surprise, he throws it to the ground and kicks it towards her.

"I mean no harm, sayidati. You just need to leave."

Noura hesitates, making no effort of handing him the lantern, dragging his sword with her foot towards herself. He takes a step towards her and she warningly waves the fire in front of him.

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