32 Glimpse

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I'm a lark of sadness, the wolf of joy. And you, rising in these heights are you a rainbow or are you another wound?



She quarrels with some of the kids over an apple. They were trying to pluck fruits from the trees and she decided to be a judge when they got into an argument as to whom the fallen apple belonged to.

She puffs her cheeks and stomps her foot as her friend scolds her getting involved into unnecessary rumpus. She has a tendency for always sticking her tiny nose where it doesn't belong. But he will not tell her that. He has no heart upsetting her any further.

She storms to where he's playing with his bow and puts her hands on her hips. He looks at her and she flares her nostrils.

"I was only trying to help," she complains. "But I know how to beat someone who messes with me."

A giggle escapes him at her statement and she glares at him.

"You think I can't?"

He quickly nods his head and pull back his lips. "Yes you can."

She grumbles something inaudible to herself before pointing to his bow and arrows. "Can you teach me how to play with it?"

 "Can you teach me how to play with it?"

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"What are you doing here?"

The blood on her face makes her hyperaware of the event having unfolded. It doesn't help her anxiety one bit knowing that her offender is lying dead at her feet. She blinks and gapes as she tries to form any coherent sentence. Instead, she can only manage to utter his name.


He isn't dressed like how she would see him around the bazar in a plain tunic with an old cloak over it. Instead, he's wearing an armor with a fine cloak this time, his face covered by a cloth and his blue eye patched. It's only the brown eye looking back at her keenly. There's a sword at his hip and the bloody dagger in his hand. His disguise of a poor, dumb beggar is no more. But clearly he still seems to be hiding his identity by the way he has covered up himself.

"Why in your sane mind would you come here when I sent you a message not to?" he asks as he steps closer, and there goes glitch in her mind. She frowns at him.

"You sent me a note to meet you or you'd come to the palace again."

"No, I didn't." He halts and tilts his head. "I wrote to you that I wouldn't be around this place anymore, so not to come looking for me, and not to mention me to anyone."

"That's not what I received," she declines. "You called me malika in that note, and it came with jasmines."

"I referred to you as malika in my note and did send you jasmines, but I didn't write you what you're telling me."

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