48 Daughter

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The world is entire and I'm outside of it, crying.

Virginia Woolf


"To protect the throne, blood is a sacrifice. But the sacrifice that my people have to make for me is bigger than the sacrifice I alone can make. So I'll choose the latter."

"What do you have in mind?"

"A lot." He buries his dagger in the wood of the table, tearing the papers lying upon it in the process. "All these plans are futile efforts against the enemy. I don't like them-- they won't work. I could fight and win this battle, but you suggested to win with my wit, so I'll do that instead."

"I've faith in you, akhi. But knowing you, your strategies are reckless sometimes." Yusuf lifts a glass of water to his lips, taking a sip. "What crazy scheme is it this time?"

"There are certain conditions I've in mind. We could negotiate with Sulaiman upon those."

"He wants the caliphate and no condition can deter him to back down."

"I know."

Yusuf arches an inquisitive eyebrow, studying him for a moment before asking curiously, "You'll abdicate the throne?"

"Only to secure it and reclaim it for myself." He laughs.

" He laughs

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There's a desert inside her like that on the outside. There's a lack of home and a thirst she cannot quench. The world has been hot and dusty and its winds have been cruel all along. Her heart has been a nomad wandering in search, hoping to find something to its fancy. She thought she did. She thought she stumbled upon a home and her heart united with its beloved. She learns she was wrong.

The sharp arches of his brows frame his eyes in a way that signify nothing less than displeasure and domination. The terse pull of his features highlight his emotions. His lips remain in a thin line and his gaze pierce through everyone it falls upon-- cutting and stabbing like a knife. And even though she has seen him in many shades, from that of their encounter when he was distant to when she made an rival of him, but this side of him is baffling and eerie to her. She cannot find it in herself to keep staring at him. Instead, she steals glances at him.

Adam holds his sword before him, swinging it effortlessly before resting it on the floor and leaning forward on it, his eyes finding his vizier. The silence in the courtroom is dense like a fog. She can barely breathe, and the rest of the members present seem to share her apprehension except for Yusuf bin Khalid and Arwa bint Atta, both of whom have seated themselves comfortably and waiting for the drama to proceed.

"How could you give orders to capture my wife?"

Ameer Zakariya shakes his head at him, not intimidated by him like the rest of others. Instead, dealing with him like a fatherly figure.

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