44 Burn

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I know someone who kisses the way a flower opens.

Mary Oliver


"Come, my prince, wear this. We're leaving."

His mother puts a cloak around him urgently and he watches with keen eyes the guards waiting at the door for them.

"Where are we going?" he asks.

Princess Halah picks him up in her arms and he puts his own around her neck. She nods at the guards who lead them outside of their palace through a hidden passageway.

"Umi, where is baba?" he inquires again, the worry upon his mother's face clearly evident as they escape the palace in the dead of the night.

"Baba will come later, namir. We're going to Baghdad."

She ushers him into a carriage before climbing after him herself. Her hand-maiden and two of the guards join them while the rest stay behind.

"We'll leave with a caravan as commoners. I've already send a messenger to the palace of Baghdad. They'll send guards for us at the borders. Remember," she instructs sternly, "Marwan should not know about our departure."

"Don't worry, amira, the governor won't be back until the day after tomorrow. I'll delay the matters until then and make sure no news reach him," the guard assures.

Princess Halah nods in approval. "Good. We'll be out of Qahira until then."


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"Is it going to rain?"

"Looks like it."

"Where will we stay for the night?"

"We'll find shelter. There's a village up ahead."

The horses trot to a stop by the river and Adam dismounts his. He offers her his hand and she takes it, getting down too. The other people in the caravan begins to settle as well.

"What if it starts to rain?" she voices her concern. "We should get to the village before dark."

"Let the horses graze and rest a little, azizi. We'll have the meal and then begin the journey again. The village ain't far; we'll reach there before dusk."

He puts his hand on her back and guides her towards the shade of an orchard. Ilam is beautiful, it's lush valley spread before them like paradise. Her eyes cannot take enough of it no matter how much she stares.

They had crossed the Persian borders the previous days and the caravan had split into those taking a different route to somewhere else, those who had already reached their destinations, and the ones left with them continuing ahead. She cannot help counting days until they reach Isfahan. Yet on the other hand, the thought of this journey ending comes with a loss she's too afraid to admit, so all she has been doing is not to imagine it. But she doesn't know for how long she can deny the inevitable.

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