43 Nightingale

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Won't we be quite the pair? You with your bad heart, me with my bad head. Together, though, we might have something worthwhile.

Zelda Fitzgerald


"Is it the sky that deceives, or the shadows that spin, my prince?"

"The shadows, of course, for they're fleeting. They come and go. But the sky will always have its light-- sun for the day, and moon for the night."

"Then why do you let the shadows to deceive you?" She stands up from her chair and walks over to one of the tall glass windows of the courtroom. The dwindling colors of twilight glide over her face before she tips it away and masks it. "What is the point of chasing the light when the light remains, though distant?"

He smirks, dragging back his chair and standing up too, joining her by the window. "Because this said light guides me. So when the shadows fall and I'm blinded, this hope of light keeps me from sinking into the despair of darkness."

"Every dusk has its dawn. The sun remains the same, the moon too. But the day does not, neither does the night." She turns to him and he looks at her. She takes his face between her hands, caressing it lovingly. "The night is not brilliant like the day. But some days are casted and dark, and some nights are illuminated and bright. Sometimes, darkness can be comforting too. For sometimes the light deceives too-- too much of it is blinding."

"You mean to say I should let go?"

"I mean to say that desires can be blinding, and not all light or dark things can be as they seem, like not all days and nights are the same. But we assume, and assumptions can be disappointing." She leans forward and kisses his cheek. "The love that is yours will find you, even if it takes you through the dark. But the one that ain't yours will leave, no matter how bright you see it. So be wise when to end this chase, akhi, for no one among mankind has defeated destiny. You can't either."

"The chase will not end, Arwa, I've made my choice. It is I who will end. If Noura doesn't want Al Shafay, then be it so." His gaze sails over the rays to the dying sun. He grins and flicks his tongue between his lips. "There's a man to me she fancies. I'll be that man for her."


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He helps one of the the old men in the caravan set up his tent as the day begins to blend into its death. His skin glows where the feeble rays of sun kiss it and his hair shine dark tied behind his neck. She watches him intently from where she's sitting on a log besides their own tent which he had set up earlier. Her attention keeps swinging between him and the letter in her hands.

It isn't only the letter that has been bothering her immensely but also the daughter of this old man who has been pivoting around her husband like a moth around the flame, challenging her sanity. It's only been a day they've begun their journey, and if it continues, she's afraid it won't be long before the treads of her patience snap. She hasn't dealt with such emotions as strongly before now, and she's not sure how well can she handle them. Her hand fists the letter tightly in annoyance.

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