33 Deceit

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Your soul now stands in the way of my own.

Marina Tsvetaeva


"Had I been obsessed with you like I had been obsessed before, then I wouldn't have known this woe in love." He buries his sword in the sand and crouches down, holding the handle in his hands and putting his forehead against it. "When did I start becoming this selfless? Why can't I continue to be selfish?"

His heart feels raw. His body feels the pain. He doesn't know when from a game of chase it became a matter of life for him. Maybe it was better before when she was only light and not the flames. Maybe it was better when he would revolve around her without burning himself. But now he has started putting her before his own soul.

"Noura," he sighs and closes his eyes. "What do I do to win your heart?"

The sounds of the world dull against the melody of her thoughts. He wants to slip away from his presence and dissolve into hers. He wants to find solace in her arms.

"How do I make you mine knowing you don't want to be mine?" He looks up at the darkening sky in longing. "I don't even want to fight you anymore. When did I surrender to you? When did you defeat me in this battle, my love?"

 When did I surrender to you? When did you defeat me in this battle, my love?"

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The daylight is living its last hours when she arrives at the palace. One of the men escorts her to her chamber and the other leaves for the barracks to inform Eskander. Noura doesn't waste any time cleaning herself up and removing any evidence of what escalated in the town. If the news alone isn't enough to infuriate Eskander, the blood and dirt over her would do the job.

Hafez looks pale and clearly worried as he pours water for her to wash her face and hands. It is as if finally his master has discovered his sins and it's time for punishment. Noura doesn't know how to assure him or even what to say to him.

"When Eskander comes, you should leave," she finally speaks, trying to keep her voice leveled despite her own unrest chewing upon her nerves. "I'll handle him."

Hafez eyes flick around but don't meet hers. Noura wipes her face dry before handing the cloth back to him. He stays silent.


He lifts his gaze to hers.

"Is something the matter?"

He swallows, struggling to say whatever is on his mind, and Noura urges him to tell her.

"Say whatever it is."

"Sayidati, I think the general is going to be really upset with me."

"None of it is your fault. I insisted for you to stay behind."

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