35 Doll

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Even if I now saw you only once, I would long for you through worlds, worlds.

Izumi Shikibu


"What does it feel like?"


"Being home."

"I don't know. I think I've long lost it to remember. I keep searching it in people now."

"Well," he draws a finger across the table, mind afar, asking his friend without meeting his eyes, "what does it feel like in a person?"

"Like love."

"Love?" His gaze finally lifts up to him. "Tell me what is that like precisely?"

"Wouldn't you know?"

"How come?"

"You're insatiable." His friend gets up from his chair, walking towards where he's sitting and clamping his shoulder, looking down at him. "Keep lying to yourself, akhi, like you lie to the world. But you can't cheat your own heart. What it feels, it knows what it means, then whether you want to believe it or not."


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She didn't know if she would see him tonight. She didn't let her expectations soar but a frail hope still remained. Added to the many things requiring his attention these days, the incident at the bazar came more as a crack between their relationship. Though she understands his spare hours are limited to give time to her, she cannot help but feel as if he has drifted apart somewhat. And she's determined to make amendments over the matter.

The palace and the bliss in the air fade with every step of hers that takes her closer to Eskander's chamber. The jitters take over, making her skin tingle inch by inch. She feels a coil of nervousness in her abdomen like she always does around him, an unexplainable sensation-- a too wild to tame exhilaration. Today, she's dressed special. And it isn't often Eskander sees her like this.

Faris stays behind as she approaches his door. She knocks lightly on it and waits for him to answer it. He allows her permission from the other side.

"It's open, come in."

Noura gets inside and closes the door behind her. He's standing by his bed with his back towards her, his sword and dagger lying atop it, busy tying his belt around his waist and himself dressed formally, probably preparing to leave for somewhere. She clears her throat to get his attention.

"You're going somewhere?"

Eskander turns around at her voice. At first it's only a glance when his eyes fall on her, but then it turns to a gaze, from fleeting to gripped, and his lips part slightly.

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