Chapter 4~ About the past

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After three weeks, their bond has grown stronger. They grew very close. Lisa gave up her part-time jobs after Jennie told her to. She insisted at first, but Jennie made him an offer, a job where she would be happy. A writer. Lisa enjoys her new job so much that she is considering making it a career. They even promised to graduate together. Sometimes, Jennie takes Lisa to dates. Watching movies, cuddling, they even went shopping together.

There are times Jennie demands to cuddle with her. She used to push Jennie, but now she agrees to cuddle with her. Well Lisa is still very confused about this relationship thing. She didn't even knew if they are friends or literally girlfriends. But she doesn't care, she's happy here on whatever they are.

And if you're wondering if they already make love... Uhhh.. let's not get into that. Right now they are cuddling. Lisa is on top of Jennie.... naked.

"Hey stop touching my butt!" Lisa groaned.

"Says the one who's touching my boobs." Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She scoffs.


"Hmmm.." Jennie muttered.

"I'm curious about your past. Could you please tell me?"

"It's boring you don't want to hear it."


"As long as you don't make that puppy face, eh?" Jennie laughed.

"There is nothing much about my past life. Yes, I come from a wealthy family, but not in the way you think. My parents always ignore me. They even forgot about my name, crazy right? My own parents don't even recognize me; I'm a stranger to them. They were always concerned about my brother. How about me, eh? I even did a DNA test in secret to see if they were my biological parents. Unfortunately they are my parents. They kicked me out when they found out about my poor academic performance."

"That's boring." Lisa chuckled.

"See I told you!" Both of them chuckled because of their silliness.

"How about you? Can I meet my future parents in law?" Jennie chuckled.

"The same thing happened to me, I was abandoned." Lisa let out a sigh. Jennie noticed Lisa's cracked voice. It must be tough to her. She thought.

"It's ok if you don't-" Jennie was cut off by crying Lisa.

"My father was alcoholic. My mother was always there for us. She always looked after us when my father was not at home. Due to a lack of funds, I began working at a young age. My father hits me whenever I do something wrong. My sibling as well. Having friends and dating someone is not my top priority. One day my father threw a fit, he kicked me out of the house. My mom doesn't have a choice she really wants to live with me but she needs to protect my siblings. I understand. I spent a lot of nights sleeping on the streets. I worked very hard so that I could finish school. B-but... my mother died, she was sick at the time, and I had no idea. I was blaming myself at the time."

Jennie wiped Lisa's tears. She pat her back for comfort. "Aww, don't cry, baby. I'm sure your mother is proud of you wherever she is." Lisa nods, attempting a smile for Jennie. Jennie returned the smile. She is extremely proud of her girlfriend. As a reward, she kissed Lisa on the cheek.

A/n: I'm sorry if the chapter is to short. Next chapter is a ChaeSoo special! You guys are about to know how did ChaeSoo met! So, who's excited for ChaeSoo's love story? Cus I am! *wink* *wink*

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