Good Feelings

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Knocks on the door echoed through the hallway. Niall immediately opened the door. His face was filled with guilt and confusion. He stepped back for me to enter the room. Without hesitance, I walked into the room. I sat on his some-what messy bed. I patted the bed, implying for him to sit down. Niall sat down with worry in his eyes.

We sat in a moment of comfortable silence.

"Niall," I spoke softly. "We all know there's a problem with what happened just now."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just don't know what I'm feeling. I know I can't like you because you have a thing with Harry but there is something there. Please don't tell me I wasn't the only one feeling this feeling." Niall explained.

I sighed. "Yeah." I muttered in a volume that was almost not audible. "But we know I have a thing with Harry. It wouldn't be right..."

"It's not fair. Harry always gets the girls. He's lucky to have you. I wish I had someone like you." 

I blushed. I honestly felt bad. It was true. I stared into his sparkling blue eyes. They were full of sadness.  I honestly didn't know if I had feelings for him.

I barely noticed myself leaning towards him. Our faces got close. Then the space between our lips disappeared. His soft lips pressed onto mine making the sparks ignite again. The intenseness was getting deeper until we heard the door open. I saw Harry standing there. His face was full of shock.

"I was going to come apoligize but it seems like I'm interrupting something." 

"Mate," Niall called out but Harry was already out the door.

"I don't know what's happening. I'm really confused." Tears started falling down my face. Niall brought me into a warm hug. I know I still wasn't sure if I had feelings for him but I still accepted the embrace.

"I didn't mean to kiss you. It just happened. And again the sparks came again. What do we do?" I muttered with my face in Niall's chest.

I finally got up. "I'm sorry." And I left the room. I walked down the stairs. Harry was no where to be seen. Louis, Liam, and Zayn were still on the couch confused. 

"See you soon guys." They nodded and I left the flat. I started walking, who knows where, trying to get my mind off them.

~Two Weeks Later~

I still haven't met up with the boys. Niall and Harry still consumed my mind but not as badly as before. I was on the couch trying to find a channel on tv. Then I heard a knock at the door. Kiana's barking echoed through the house. She soon popped out of a room and dashed at the door, pawing at it. I made my way over to the door.

Niall's face soon appears. "Hi." He shrugs.

"Uh...Hi. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah...Things haven't been going so well back at home with the boys."

"Come in. Let's talk about it." I motioned him in.

Kiana greeted at his feet but Niall just ignored her. We both sat side by side on the couch.

"Harry hasn't talked to me these past weeks. The lads have been trying to get him to fix the problem but Harry doesn't make the effort to try."

I nodded. I didn't want to be the cause of this problem. A pang of guilt hit me hard.

"I'm really sorry I'm causing all this trouble. I didn't know I could cause this. I'm so sorry." Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. Niall brought me into a hug.

"It's okay. It'll be over soon." He comforted me. Just then, a different feeling fell over me. It was a good feeling.

Several more weeks passed by. This time Niall has been visiting me whenever he could. We just hung out and did random things. Most of the things consisted of eating. I guess you can say we've grown pretty close. I barely brought up the topic of Harry and eveything has been going alright for now.

One day, we were just sitting on the couch together at my place watching tv and eating Nando's.

"I think I need to talk to Harry." I said out of the blue.

"Okay. Do whatever you need," Niall said with a mouthful of food. "I'll take you over if you'd like."

"Thanks. Let me just get ready." I was just wearing sweats and a tank top. I dashed to my room and threw on a more appropriate tank top and shorts. I also applied light natural makeup.

I walked out and Niall was finishing up his Nando's. "Ready?" I asked, catching his attention.

"Yeah. You look beautiful." Niall stated.

I giggled. He always complimented me but i just took it as a friendly gesture. "I'm just wearing a tank top and shorts. Nothing special." 

"You make it look beautiful though." 

Giggles escaped my mouth again. "Stop it!" I playfully pushed him.

"Hey!" Niall playfully pushed me back.

I pushed him towards the door. Laughter filled the air. "Just go to the car." I said between laughs.

We drove to the lads' flat. We walked in, Niall entering first.

"Hey! I'm back guys!" Niall hollered. A few "hey's" echoed back.

"Harry should be in his room. I'm going to the kitchen." He said to me before he dashed off to the kitchen. I heard the other boys greet him in the kitchen.

It's been so long since I've been in this flat. I had to think back to which one was Harry's room. I knocked on the door. No one answered. I slowly opened the door. Harry was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. His curls were thrown in every direction on top of his pillow. I took slow strides toward him. I didn't know what to say.

"Harry," I whispered. Silence. "Harry, I think we need to fix this. You can't stay like this forever."

Harry still didn't say anything back.

"This is getting too complicated for me. Can we just start over? Please? If it doesn't work out, I'd still like to be friends."

Moments of silence passed till he responded. "Okay." He got up to a sitting position on his bed. I hugged him tightly. I missed him as a friend.

*Harry's POV*

I fell for her too hard. Way too hard. But I'm glad we could start over, even if it's just as friends. I've really missed her, being the only girl in the household.

This time if I fall for her again, I'm going to control myself and not fall hard. I should also probably apologize to Niall for over reacting. I hope we can put this all behind us. I hope things get better from here.

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