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~~ Later on that night ~~

Turns out we were leaving tomorrow. But we weren't going to leave without a huge party. You might be wondering how would you have a huge party with ten people. Well that's when Josh and Becky invited a load more of people from land. Yeah. Like five more ships came and docked on our island. And how exactly are they going to get home? Well they aren't. I bet they're all going to crash. But I guess it's fine since it's our last night.

So I'm in the midst of the party right now and so far, I've only had two or three drinks but I'm already getting a bit tipsy. I needed to follow through with the plan for Niall and Harry agreed to it. Pull yourself together, Stephanie. Time to start the plan.

I was sitting on the beach with Harry and we were both staring at the sea. It would quite beautiful if it was quiet and peaceful without the party behind us. I turn my head around and Natalie approaching Niall by the chest full of beer. That little slut. I take another sip of my beer and get up from my spot. Harry nods in approval and lets me go. My feet start moving quickly to a spot where I can listen without getting caught. I lean against a palm tree, letting the shadows covering me.

"Hey, Niall!" Natalie exclaims in a fake voice. "Remember me? Natalie?"

Niall detaches the beer bottle from his lips. "Oh yeah! You're that girl from that concert and the club, right?" His slurred speech makes it evident that he's had his usual amount of beer.

"Mhm!" Natalie takes a sip of her own beer while she inches closer to Niall. "So I was wondering...if you wanted to hang out sometime?" Now there was a foot or less between them.

"Um..sure. I guess. When?" He takes another swig of the liquid intoxicating him.

Natalie places her hand on his chest. "What about now?" She bites her lip seductively. Now was the time.

"Uh.." Niall mutters. A smirk appears on his face, getting the same idea she was. Well he was awfully flirty tonight. But before he could flirt back and fall for her trap, I'm by his side out, coming out of no where.

"Hey, Niall! We haven't hung out in a while. Wanna hang out now? Okay!" I speak too quickly that it all comes out in one breathe. I grab a bottle of bee and chug it down to make it look like I'm drunk. In no time, I abandon the bottle on top of the ice chest. I feel the liquid intoxicating my body already.

"Sure thing!" Niall says with a drunk smile.

"Hope you're having fun at the party, Natalie!" I mention to Natalie, showing off my smile at the same time. I grab Niall's hand and begin walking towards the house but he says something to Natalie first.

"Hehe. I rather hang out with her if you know what I mean." Niall slurs. Natalie embarrassingly laughs.

"C'mon!" I pull him and he's immediately running with me into the house. I open the door leading to the empty kitchen. I sit on the island counter and let out a huge sigh, while I let Niall look through all the food. The alcohol was already affecting my body. I could feel it. That was too much for a non-drinker like me. I droop my head down, allowing my hair to fall over my face, and rub my temples.

"Natalie was up to no good. She was gonna hook up with you and just leave you. She's trying to get with everyone. She hooked up with Harry the first time you guys met her and she tried doing that again yesterday. I was just there to save you. I think it's over for her now." I explain thoroughly, hoping he was paying attention while he was eating. It was difficult though because I was intoxicated.

"Thank you." He slurrs but I could tell he meant it.  Niall didn't deserve a girl like her.

"No problem." I slurr back. Oh god. I'm drunk. It's the first time too. Oh god. I flip my hair back. My hair fell and coated my back. Whatever. I'm gonna get wasted. I need to party anyways.  "I actually did want to hang out with you though."

Niall looks up from his cupcake and smiles. "Me too." I grab another beer from the fridge. A lot cold liquid slides down my throat, entering my system. I think I could get used to this. I chug down the rest of the bottle, ready to get another bottle but suddenly I see Niall stick his nose in the icing of one of the cupcakes. He stands right in front of me, looking all cute. Without even thinking, I like the icing off his nose and we both erupt in laughter.

"Do you want to go dance outside?" He asks, throwing his trash away.

"Sure." Niall walks to where I am and offers his hand. I happily take it and he leads me to the outdoors dance floor. By now, I couldn't think straight. 'Lost At Sea' by Zedd was playing. Everyone had already moved onto the dance floor. Okay. It wasn't exactly a dance floor. It was still sand but if a bunch of people are dancing in the same area, it's a dance floor. There was a DJ and all though.

Niall and I start jumping up and down. (I don't really know how to dance but whatever). As I'm frantically shaking my head to the music, I spot Natalie leaning against a tree giving me an evil glare. She can't have sex with everyone. Especially none of my friends. I smile devilishly. Whatever. She deserved it. Natalie angrily walks away to another guy that I don't know. We all know what's gonna happen next. My work is done though. So that's none of my business.

I turn back to Niall and he's laughing, having the time of his life. A bunch of crazy ideas start running through my mind.

"Let's go swimming!" I shout through the music.

"What?" Niall shouts back.

"I said let's go swimming!" I yell back louder.

"Right now??"

"Yeah! Why not?" I grab his arm and pull him off the dance floor. As the music fades away, I'm able to speak in my normal voice. "I wanna have some fun!"

"We're swimming in our normal clothes?!" Niall slurs.

"Absolutely!" He nods in approval. We start running into the water, against the waves. The waves were kind of strong today but it's strong enough to handle. Niall's white shirt becomes see-through, making his toned body visible. My white tank top also is see-through, revealing my electric blue bra but we're too drunk to care.

My feet dig into the sand underwater as I feel the grains tickle my feet. Suddenly, Niall starts splashing water at me. Oh. It's on. I splash water back at him between the waves, which were getting stronger and stronger. Niall goes underwater, leaving me to listen to the distant music from the dance floor. 

Strong arms remove my feet from the sand, bringing my above the water.

"Let me go!" I squirm around in his hold.

"If you kiss me." He strikes cheekily.

"Okay! Okay! Let me down!" Instantly, I was no longer hovering above the water. I swim back to the surface and meet up with Niall.

"Well then. I keep my promises." I smirk.

"Well hurry up. There's a big wave coming." Niall laughs. I press my lips against his soft ones, silencing his laughter. Our lips moved in sync and everything felt perfect. I jumped and held me up while we kissed passionately in the water. Eventually, the wave did hit and we both went under. But I never came back up. The water was surrounding me, pushing me down. Niall's body was no where to be seen underwater through all the bubbles. As much as I tried to reach the surface, the water kept suffocating me. My lungs were starting to burn with the lack of oxygen. I screamed in fear but that didn't help. Instead, everything went black.

Author's Note:

The picture on the side is a picture of Tom. :)

Bye. .x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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