No. It Can't Be Real.

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"Stephanie..." a voice soothingly says. "Stephanie...."

My heavy eyes lift. A blurry shape of a face is right in front of mine. My eyes adjust to see Liam.

"Well hi Liam." I say in my morning voice and smile.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" the boys scream jumping from the floor of my bedroom, holding a bunch of balloons.


Liam says, " You don't remember? It's your birthday!! You're finally eighteen, Stephanie!!"

"Wait. What? Really? Oh..... Wow. I can't believe I forgot. I can't even believe you guys knew though!"

"What do you expect? We're all besties. And for your information, you told me all this stuff through text a while back and I told the lads then."

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much!" I get up from bed and hug all of them. Luckily, I chose to wear sweats and a tank top to bed last night or else I'd be wearing my bra and panties.

"Come on, Stephanie!" Louis and the boys call out as run to the kitchen. I follow quickly behind. Soon the aroma of pancakes fills my nose.

"Yes. Yes. We made Harry cook." Liam answered my question that I didn't even ask out loud.

I looked at Harry and he just smiled. "Thank you, Chef Styles."

"Anytime, love."

We all sat down at the table to eat my favorite pancakes, blueberry and lemon.

"How'd you know my favorite was blueberry and lemon?" I ask curiously.

"Lucky guess?" Harry shrugs. I giggle.

"Well anyways, we have something planned out for you." Liam comments.

"Do tell me."

"Zayn, you tell her."

"Okay. Well we're taking you to a private island for a couple of days to celebrate." Zayn announces.

"Oh my god really??"

"Absolutely!" Louis chirps.

"Wow! You guys are the best!"

"Oh we know we are." Louis states.

"So modest." Niall says. Giggles escape my mouth again.

"But wait. I didn't pack." I realize.

"Oh. It's okay. We got it covered. We had Niall pack for you." Liam comforted.

"WHAT?!" I almost scream.

"We thought it was okay because you're pretty close to him." Liam remark.

I think about it for a while. "I guess it's okay..."

"Let's go then!" Zayn exclaims.

Everyone but Niall runs out. I run and change speedily. After I come out, Niall grabs my luggage and my hand and brings us to the car. He packs in my luggage with everyone else's luggage. I sit in the back with Niall. Liam starts driving and everyone zones out into their own world. Niall is on his phone probably looking at tweets or something. Zayn, Harry, and Louis are talking about something that guys talk about...who knows. I stare out the window and take in the view of the beautiful city of London till someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and Niall shows me his phone with a worried look. Hesitantly, I take Niall's phone and see what's on it. There. Picture of Perrie making out with a man at what looks like a club. She's wearing very revealing clothes. I'm shocked. Completely shocked. What do we tell Zayn? I guess there's only one thing. The truth.

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