Pancake Wars

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It was only 1 P.M. right now. I played with Kiana for a bit. Then, I decided to text my best friend Britney.

Hey Britney! I just settled into my new flat (house). Miss you so much! x -Steph

Hey!!! OMG HOW'S LONDON?? Did anything exciting happen? Miss you soo much too!! -Brit

London is great! I don't know the place that well yet. But guess who's coming over tomorrow! -S

Who? -B

Liam from One Direction! I met him on the plane! He's a total sweetheart! He's coming over with the boys to show me around town tommo. x -S


Haha yeah. I'll tell you ALL about it tommo. I'm gonna go take a walk around the block right now. Text you later! xx -S

Okay! Bye! -B

I whistled for Kiana come over. She came and I put her leash on.

Right before I left, I texted Liam my address.

As I started off into walk, I realized how beautiful this city was. It wasn't as sunny as LA, but still beautiful.

Within a few hours of sightseeing the city, I headed back home with my Chinese food for dinner. The whole day I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow. The boys seemed really nice and I was quite lonely in this new city.

After dinner, I decided to watch a movie. I wrapped myself in a blanket with Kiana close while I watched She's The Man. This was my favorite movie. Every time I watched this movie, I cracked up. It never got old. Towards the end of the movie, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning. I picked up my phone on the floor an checked the time. It's 9:12. I've got enough time to get ready before the boys come over. I changed into my cute pink floral dress and waved my originally straight hair. I barely put any makeup, like I usually do. Just some lipgloss and mascara.

Now it was 9:44 and I've only started to grab the ingredients for pancakes when the doorbell rang. I quickly answered the door where I was attacked by hugs.

"Hello Stephanie!" Liam greeted me warmly.

"Hello!" I replied cheerfully.

He smiled and said, "This is Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry."

One by one, each of the boys hugged me except for Harry. I wonder why...

"I was just about to make some pancakes. Want to come insi-"

Before I could finish, Niall ran in yelling "PANCAKES!!"

All the boys quickly followed with their playful banter. All the boys except Harry.

I looked back at him and he just smiled.

"Hi. I'm Harry. Thanks for joining us in our 'wonderful adventure' today." He hugged me and gently kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed and said, "I should be thanking you guys. I don't have anything better to do here and you guys are entertaining me. Haha."

Harry grabbed my hand and walked me into the flat. He's SUPER friendly for someone I'm meeting for just the first time.

We walk in to see Louis flipping pancakes into Niall's mouth and Liam and Zayn playing with Kiana. Harry quickly rushed to Louis and Niall and I went to go talk to Liam and Zayn.

"We can leave as soon as I eat and you guys are ready to go." I directed to Liam.

"Okay!" He replied totally distracted by Kiana.

I walked over to the kitchen counter to grab the extra pancakes Louis had made. I devoured them joyfully while watching Louis, Niall, and Harry having a pancake fight. After they realized they ate too many pancakes, they sunk into the couch and joined Liam and Zayn who were watching a replay of the X Factor.

"Guys! I'm done eating! We can go now!" I hollered from the kitchen.

"Okay! As soon as they announce who made it to the next round!" They replied.

I grabbed my phone and texted Britney.

Heyy! I'm about to go out with the boys soon! I think Harry likes me! :3 -S

I quickly got a text back saying: Heyy! Tell me how it goes! You're make me so jealous! -B

I heard the boys yell at the tv. "SHE SHOULD'VE MADE IT!" "THAT WAS NOT RIGHT!" "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT JUDGE?!"

The boys walked into the kitchen heated up, but soon returned to their regular playful selves.

"Ready to go?" I asked

"Ready as always." Liam said representing all of them.

I grabbed my purse and left my house to start this 'wonderful adventure'.

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