
36 1 0
  • Dedicated to Britney

Large, solid hands caressed my face as the words "I love you" rang in my ears. My body relaxed and a warm, happy feeling rushed over me. I smiled as I said "I love you too". He grabs the ends of my tank top, wrapping them around his long fingers and at the same time, pulling my shirt higher and higher. He leans in, showing off his lips while holding my tank top right below my breasts. I'm tempted to kiss his soft pink lips but I don't. Instead, I place my hands over his and pull my tank top back down and when he leans in for a kiss, I step aside smirking as he almost runs into the wall. He turns his face around, making his smirk visible. Yup. I'm in trouble. I begin to run off as fast as my tiny feet can take me but it's not fast enough. He chased me into my room and we find each other laying on my bed with him on top. He begins to kiss me and I give in. Kisses trail down to my neck. A pleasuring feeling causes me to moan his name.


The pleasuring feeling stops. I frown but Harry just smirks.

"What?" But the thought hits me. I stand up and walk to the mirror. I examine my neck and there it was. Harry gave a hickey.

"Harry! How am I supposed to cover this up??"

"You don't." He smirks again. God. He has to stop smirking. It's making me weak. Harry grabs me my waist and pulls me back down to the bed. He throws his shirt off but I don't remember anything after that because a bright ray of light blinds me.

I rub my eyes. My eyes are burning. Make it stop. I lift my heavy eyelids to see the sunlight seeping through curtains and stinging my eyes. I roll over to my side so the sunlight is hitting my back. Man. That was a crazy dream...but that was way to real to be a dream. I escape my comforting bed, close the curtains, and walk to the mirror. Shit. The hickey is there. The hickey that Harry gave me. I brush my finger over it. Damn. My first hickey.

I turn around and face to bed to find Harry sleeping in it. How did I not notice him? Where is Britney? So many questions flooded through my head. I strolled back to my side of the bed and climbed back in, cuddling against Harry. Harry turns around lazily and I smile.

"Good morning, Harry."

"Good morning, love. You sore?" He smirks again.

"What?! We did it??" I panicked. I didn't expect to lose my virginity yet.

"Haha. I'm kidding, babe. We didn't do anything." He pecks my cheek. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Of course I know you wanted to though." Harry winks as he gets up and walks out of the room. I let out a chuckle as I quickly cover my hickey with hair and follow him downstairs to the kitchen where everyone else was. I immediately spot Zayn wrapping his arm around Britney's waist while leaning on the kitchen counter and feeding her breakfast. I'm glad they're happy. He's seem to forget about Perrie.

"Good morning everyone!" I join everyone gathered in the kitchen. I go over to Harry, who's sitting on a chair, and sit on his lap.

"Breakfast is almost done!" Niall calls out. "Sorry I had to cook Britney and Zayn's first. Britney was getting hungry."

"It's okay! Take your time!" I reply. Out of no where, I receive a kiss on the cheek from Harry.

"What was that for?" I question innocently.

"Well I love you."

I giggle. "I love you too. Definitely the best birthday trip ever."

Harry chuckles but Britney's laughter is heard in the background. It's probably something that Zayn did and turn my head over towards them. Britney turns red.

"Where were you last night? You weren't in our room." I question, knowing that she was up to no good. Again, Britney turns bright red.

"Well...I heard someone moaning 'Harry' from our room. I didn't want to disturb whatever was going on in there." Britney smirks and this time, I'm the one who turns bright red.

"Harry and I didn't do anything but on the other hand, I heard the screaming of Zayn's name and really loud banging next door." I state proudly with a devilish grin on my face. Louis adds an "ooh" in for when people have good comebacks. Britney doesn't say anything for a while until I flip my hair back with confidence for dramatic effect. Her eyes widen, almost bulging out.

"At least I didn't get a hickey!" Britney shouts while pointing at the evident purple blotch on my neck. Louis's "ooh" is heard throughout the room again.

"Breakfast is ready! Come and get it!" Niall calls out from the kitchen.

"At least I didn't lose my virginity.." I reply defensively while getting up from Harry's lap to get the food.

"Yet." Britney utters. I turn back to give Britney a look before entering the kitchen but Britney just smiles devilishly as Zayn begins feeding her food again.

I come out of the kitchen with a plate for Harry and I to share. I sit on his lap again and he feeds me like Zayn did to Britney.

After everyone finishes eating, I announce to everyone that Harry and I were gonna hang out on the beach for a while alone.

"Liam, Niall, and I will explore the island." Louis volunteers for them.

"I guess that's what we're doing then." Liam states, going along with the plan. Niall nods his head while gorging himself with food still.

"Britney and I are gonna chill in the house a bit." Zayn declares, hugging Britney a bit tighter. It's quite interesting how fast Zayn and Britney got really close within the time period they've met each other.

"Okay! Well see you later guys!" I yell while running to the beach and drag Harry along.

*Britney's POV*

Zayn and I made ourselves comfortable on the couch. We weren't doing much. Just cuddling. That's pretty much it. I decided to turn on the tv instead of staring at the wall. I stand up, find the remote, and sit back down, turning on the tv at the same time.

"So about last night.." I begin.

Zayn coughs and says, "Can I be honest with you, Britney?"

"Of course." I smile.

"Last night was...the most amazing night of my life." Zayn chuckles. "It's not only last night. Every minute I'm with you makes me feel like I'm in heaven. I know we've known each other for a short period of time but I really like you."

My heart flutters and bounces up and down with joy. "I really like you too. And last night...was, I think, the best way to do it for the first time." I blush a little.

Zayn chuckles once again. He holds my hand and looks me in the eye. "I really want to try to make things work. You're an amazing person. You make me feel like I'm the luckiest man on Earth. Are you willing the give us a try?"

"Yes!" But a haunting thought still floods my mind.

Zayn's phone buzzes. He picks it up to find a recent text from Perrie and many missed calls and messages from her sent last night. Exactly what made me doubt our blooming relationship.

'Please call me back. I love you, Zayn! What I did was a drunken mistake! We need to fix this. I can't go on without you. Please call me.' the text says.

"Zayn?" I murmur.

"I know..."

'I don't want to make things work. If you wanted to make things work, you shouldn't have done what you've done in the first place. I have moved on and I'm happier now. Please don't call me back. Goodbye, Perrie.' Zayn replies in his text.

I smile.

"I told you. I'm going to try. I'm gonna try so hard. You don't even know. You're a girl worth fighting for." He leans in for a kiss.

I kiss back passionately, smiling through my kisses. The kisses started off short and sweet but became long and passionate. He kisses down my neck and then to my collar bone.

"Zayn." I moan. Lower and lower he kisses before he stops right above my breasts.

"I'm ready for round two." I utter desperately with a smile on my face.

Zayn chuckles. "Okay. Let's go, babe!" He picks me up bridal style and dashes up the stairs to our room, locking the door behind us.

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